Saturday, December 26, 2009

Uncanny X-Men #519 Art


  1. I know many people dislike Dodson's art, but I adore it! Betsy looks so beautiful in these pages, and she actually looks Asian for once!

    Too bad that although she appears in at least five pages, the only lines Fraction gave her are "As you wish", "I don't want to do this" and "Should I...?". She could have gotten at least some lines like "Welcome back, Scott/Emma. Enjoyed your mind trip?" or something like that.

    And I hope next issue shows her running to Beast and hugging him before he leaves. They used to be very close friends, after all...

  2. "I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this"... Betsy would never say that. Ugh, Fraction.

  3. Why not? She's not an emotionless robot.

  4. Even though Scott's been acting like Douche Overlord his still her teammate. Killing a villain or thug is one thing killing a teammate/friend is an entirely different matter.

  5. She can sound emotional or conflicted without sounding whiny and childish.

  6. @FSaker - You're right. Dodson's Betsy earlier this year was hit and miss, but now she's simply gorgeous. I have allot of respect for Dodson. At least he's putting much effort into drawing Betsty. She's sexy, sleek, and looks Asian.


  7. I don't think she looks very Asian (but that's a good thing). Dodson's women just tend to have those very exaggerated almost drag queeny faces. But she does look good.

    I would have loved it if she killed Scott. Seriously that would be a dream come true.

  8. She doesn't sound neither whiny nor childish. :)

  9. @Centurion - Exactly!

    @Dr. Doom - I disagree. Her line does make her sound whiny. Instead of "I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this..." (when has she ever expressed herself like that?), she could have just said "Damn, I don't want to do this."

    Not a big deal, but that change of lines would fit better with her.

  10. @FSaker - That was an awkward line for Betsy. I agree with you here.

  11. say what you will about the storytelling and the scripting, Dodson has rendered her as a strong, powerful (and of course, beautiful) character here. Chances are, people are paying much more attention to the image than the words she's saying...

  12. I have to commend Dodson for his rendering of Betsy. Her hairstyle is sexy and she has a wonderful body. Dodson's doing well here with our beloved Betsy.

  13. But is it really a good thing people are paying more attention to her image? Should we just accept Psylocke's lines to be awkward and non fitting as long as she looks good. Maybe just because I don't care for Dodson's art nor the scipting that it bugs me so much, but I would rather have an in character Betsy than a good looking out of character Betsy. Fraction seems to write her with this lack of confidence that just doesn't sit with me.

  14. i get what you mean, but think about it this way: a very powerful song can have weak lyrics but the music will still be powerful and memorable. a weak song with really good lyrics has a harder time. If we're looking for Psylocke to establish herself in the hearts and minds of fans who are not just us, good scripting is a MUST but so is powerful imagery. I'm not talking sexy, i'm talking power. Dodson's rendering of Psylocke on the first page is powerful, mysterious and memorable. Her dialogue? Less so. But I think that image alone might be enough to make a non-fan pick up the Psylocke mini, or at least visit the wikipedia page. It's a start, anyway.

    of course, what Betsy really really needs is to become necessary in the book's emotional and narrative storytelling. She's being used often, but often it's not really NECESSARY that it's her (with the obvious exception of the miniseries.) We need stories that hinge on Betts, on things that ONLY she can do, on relationships in which she's central. That's what makes for interesting periodic storytelling. Then again, the same can be said for any character who's not Scott or Emma these days...

  15. Bravo, Sad Puppets! Well said.

    Pick any Lady GaGa song, look up the lyrics and you'll be surprised at how - well, for lack of a better word - crap - they are. But the music itself is embarrassingly catchy, and well-produced.

    I think maybe YOU should write Betsy! haha

  16. But I see what the others are saying - I think at times Fraction's comics are better seen and not heard. I'm sure the readers could come up with more interesting dialogue without his help. Dodson, on the other hand, seems to be drawing Psylocke as if she is saying more than she does. He'd probably do a better job writing, too.

  17. @Sad Puppets! - You make a fine point. Betsy still needs stronger development in terms narrative as well as her personality. 2009 showed some improvement in both regards, but not the serious impact that us Psylocke fans are desperately seeking. Moving Psylocke back from the obscure world of the Exiles to that of 616 was the first step in her re-ascension to the A-List character she was in the 90's, but as Mr. Hellfire said, she isn't there yet. Just because Psylocke is in more X-books doesn't mean her appearances are strong or meaningful.

    Best to the New Year for all of us.

    Very Best Wishes,

  18. @FSaker

    I disagree. What's about "I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this" that makes her sound whiny? a lot of people say this when caught in bad situations. It's pretty usual.

    Also, Psylocke would never say "Damn, I don't want to do this." She's not the type of woman who says "Damn".

  19. @Dr. Doom - The problem isn't that she says "I don't want to do this", the problem is that she keeps repeating that line like someone schizophrenic. Had she said it only once, that would be fine, great actually. But she kept repeating it, and that's what makes her sound whiny. I'm surprised Xavier didn't yell "Okay, you don't want to do this, I get it, now SHUT UP!" at her.

    Anyway, about this discussion about her characterization, next issue should provide her with a little more depth, right? She's supposed to be in the center of the action, fighting a Predator X alongside Wolverine and Fantomex. So let's hope that when Fraction says the team in the sewers will consist of Wolverine, Psylocke and Fantomex, he doesn't mean Wolverine and Fantomex with Psylocke in the background showing her ass to the readers and having "As you wish" as her only line...

    But somehow, I believe he'll do a good job with her this time. He can do it. He already did it in that issue where she went to the past with the X-Club; even with few lines, Psylocke was awesome in it.
