Thursday, December 3, 2009

Uncanny X-Men #518 Art


  1. Thanks for the scans!

    Damn, I love Dodson's art! And Betsy's butterfly effect... GORGEOUS!

    By the way, wasn't PSYLOCKE #2 released today as well? Will we see the description of the issue and maybe a couple of scans later?

  2. Oh, and a silly observation, but since Emma appeared so small in the preview pages, I assumed she was wearing her X-uniform. It's quite surprising to see that she was actually wearing a t-shirt, and nice to see her covering her breasts for a change...

    (even though I love to see her breasts)

  3. Yes. CmX will post the spoilers later today. I haven't read it yet. :[

  4. Dodson should stay on Uncanny. Land needs to be removed from interior pencils and kept on covers only. Dodson's art could help sell Fractions mediocre writing.

  5. I'm glad that Betsy got a chance to help out. Her hair is also very cute too.

  6. Yes, Dodson has greatly improved his Betsy. Can't wait to read this issue.

  7. I honestly haven't liked cyclops in the past decade. I think the last storyline that I genuinely liked him in was the one where he sent baby Nathan into the future.

    I know he's dealt with some rough experiences but he's always just come across as a whiny boyscout.

    Even with the recent advent of him trying to be more pro-active and agressive, I still haven't been able to see him as more than a "poser bad-boy".

    I like the idea of the void legitimately tainting him. It might actually give him some credibility.

    If Jean (or should I say when) returns, it would be interesting to see their interaction. Though, I'm sure Hope will just fix him the same way she fixed Rogue.

  8. I've just finished reading both X-Men #518 and Psylocke #2, and I think both were great reads. In Psylocke #2, I think things are coming together. I have a guess as to why Wolverine is in the issue and the reason for the cover of Psylocke #4.

    I don't think the following would be considered spoilers (because they are simply my opinions)...

    After reading Psylocke #2, I think Matsuo is trying to protect himself from his annual Wolverine visitation/mutilation. I think he's trying to put different characters in between him and Wolverine (like a game of chess). I fear, Psylocke may be one of his hopeful pieces, as is Yukio, and this new Arabian mutant. How he will manipulate them into stopping Wolverine, I'm not sure. Maybe he's hoping that if all of them want to be the one to kill him, they'll fight each other for the right...maybe he's able to gain control over some of them.

    Either way, this is an interesting development and I love how Yost is bringing past story lines together through the perspective of Psylocke.

  9. The last scene in Psylocke #2 reminded me of the explosion of the Mandarin's castle in "Acts of Vengence," when Jubilee thought Psylocke had killed Wolverine.

  10. emma's mind travel could be done quite better but i liked this issue at all...and that's always good seeing betsy considered as an active psychic part of the team :)
    PS@Luckystar: the project is done,i'm ready and i'm opening by the next 24 hours...thanks alot for supoorting ;)

  11. This art was BEAUTIFUL! She looked truly asian.

    Great job Dodson - great job!


  12. PRAISE to the RETURN of the butterfly effect!!!!!!!! this is truly a great era for betsy and the PSYLOCKE miniseries needs a part 2 SOOON after #4!!!!!!!

    betsy is BACK y'all!
