Tuesday, November 10, 2009

X-Position: Nick Lowe

CBR: I've been noticing Psylocke has been popping up in a lot of places lately: "Uncanny X-Men," "X-Men: Legacy," "Wolverine: Weapon X," and her own miniseries. I, for one, am grateful for this. Is there an intentional, combined effort to turn this mistreated character into a major player in the X-world?

Nick Lowe: It's definitely intentional and you have one man to thank for it - Axel Alonso. He loves Psylocke even more than Warren Worthington and CB Cebulski do…and that's saying a lot!


  1. Wooow!

    Betsy sure looks beautiful in those images ;)

    *And I love the fact about how Betsy reacts to Emma´s comment in her mini, knowing better and taking the higher road because she knows Emma is strugling with her current condition.

  2. I can only imagine the horrible dialogue that Fraction'll make her say, BUT it seems that this is the issue for reversing the Void and it's thrilling to see Prof X and Psylocke there rather than the Cuckoos. Proper respect to the Bets!!

    @Alejo Well, not only that, but the way her thoughts were written, I got the feeling Betsy also understands Emma's humor is just her nasty teasing. Emma's sort of like a drag queen: Snarky, but it's generally more about fun than pissing people off. Like honestly, what Emma said is something people say just to take the edge off things, humor to deal with the seriousness of the situation, so I feel like it was respect to Psylocke to have her recognize how it was meant as opposed to uptight Dazzler.

  3. @Mr. Hellfire - well I believe this time Psylocke saw Emma´s true colors : acting ¨sarcastic¨ is part of Emma´s dealing with her being trapped in her daimond form, we all kknow Emma tends to act bitchy or cold in her ¨normal¨ self when dealing with anger or pain so I can only imagine now that she is in that form, that and the facts that she doesn´t like Betsy so much LOL

    I think that´s what Psylocke was refering to when she says that Emma is transparent in more than one way. To her it was understandable and predictable the way Emma deals with her own issue.

    So it´s good to see her helping Emma despisse their ¨diferences¨.

    Excuse me if I don´t write English correctly It´s not my first language ._:

  4. After reading the 1st issue of Psylockes mini series, I now understand why Betsy doesn't talk much or have much dialog other than "I sense nothing" or "As you wish" etc. She has alot on her mind.

    She is dealing with her own issues in her own way and her thoughts are running at 100ks/hr. She tends to assess her surroundings and keeps it to herself alot too. She doesn't care much for mindless banter it seems... Deep...

    She does look very nice with her hair up like that.

  5. @Mr Hellfire and Alejo - Hi. You both have valid points and they are well taken. Emma is a control freak, and her present condition is anything but under her control, so there might be some degree of underlying frustration. The word "transparent" is an interesting choice coming from Betsy. Based on the context, I took the word to suggest that outwardly Emma's guises fail to conceal her true emotions and intentions, thus making her transparent. That was a nice line coming from one high powered telepath to another.


  6. I suppose it could also be that Emma is jealous of Betsy as in Emma's telepathic absence, Betsy's gotten her position as head female telepath. I'd be pretty pissed if I lost an ability I live off of and was one of the best at and then watched someone else walk in.
    @Alejo I doubt that Emma dislikes Betsy, I think they aren't around each other enough to even form those feelings. Their little tiff in Uncanny way back when was pretty minor, I don't get the feeling they really notice each other often.

    @Xypha Another important aspect of Psylocke that used to be emphasized a LOT more when she was British and was also put in her Ultimate version was she's extremely observant. Telepath or not, she can tell when something's not right and it helps for her to be silent and generally level-headed like she is.

  7. @Mr.Hellfire - With all due respect I think that for not knowing each other well enough as you say, Emma telling Betsy to stay dead next time she dies is a little arsh if you may say ._:

    I mean Emma is Emma but Betsy putted her in her place with her wit and british sarcasm and I guess Emma didn´t took it well.

    Anyways I love both of them mainly Psylocke of course , I love the drama and cat-fights and keep waiting for more LOL

  8. Emma's not afraid to tell anyone what she really thinks, she told the man being possessed by Sublime he was a "greasy little stain of a man" two minutes into knowing him.

  9. "I can only imagine the horrible dialogue"- I feel the same way and I actually would have dropped this title if Betsy had not come back. The rolling roster with Emma and Scott at the center does not work for me. I think Fraction has written himself into a corner with the whole Utopia thing, and as much as having all the mutants move to an island was a good idea, it was kind of boring to read (for me at least).

  10. I think the whole Betsy/Emma thing could be interesting if it is handled correctly, and that doesnt mean that it has to end up in a fight. Yost gave Betsy a lot of class by making her take the high road and not making her explode. And to me it would make sense because Betsy is the real deal, she is from an established, old, wealthy British family with all the social connections (aristocracy maybe?)and was probably was instructed to have manners and be reserved at times.

    I think that would threaten Emma and kind of make her feel like a poser, maybe she feels like the white trash queen next to Betsy (sorry I could not help it). In any case I think it would make an intersting interaction if Betsy was the one person that could make Emma feel insercure and we could see that inner dialogue happening and not cat fights in tights.

  11. Dodson's art keeps getting better and better!

  12. Before I comment on Psylocke, another observation: the Phoenix is back?? It seems that its fragments that were inside the Cuckoos left them in the first preview page... and considering Rachel's and Korvus's fragments also left them, it seems the Phoenix will return. But will it do it with or without Jean??

    Okay, about Psylocke now: she looks very pretty in Dodson's art, and it's definitely nice that she'll work with Professor X (I always thought they should have had more interaction; they were teacher and student in the 90s, yet they barely talked to each other)!

    And Lowe confirming that Alonso loves Betsy is a great sign; it not only shows she'll still get more spotlight, but I guess it means she'll come out alive from the Second Coming event (the writers mentioned some big characters will die)!

    Now, please forgive my ignorance, but... who is CB Cebulski? I guess he works or worked at Marvel, but I can't associate his name to anything Psylocke-related...

  13. @FSaker. Cebulski wrote X-Infernus. He was supposed to bring back Betsy from New Exiles in X-Infernus, but ultimately they decided to have her back in Uncanny.

  14. Oh, I see. Thanks for the information!

    I'd have loved if she had taken part in X-Infernus! Too bad he was prevented from using Psylocke in it...

  15. @Anonymous, second one, Emma's not a total poser like you would be inclined to think. Her fortune at current is built off herself and her manipulations, yes, but she, like Betsy, comes from a well-respected and intensely rich family. I think it'd be hard to make Emma feel bad about that considering her family was messed up and she did what she had to. Plus, even if Betsy did find something to hurt Emma with, I think Miss Braddock's classy like Beyonce and classy people don't just go picking fights.

    @Fsaker While they may have said some major characters will die, it seems unlikely considering they toted that crap around for the Messiah Complex. And who really died? Caliban, Peepers, some Marauders who can be cloned...meh.

  16. @Mr. Hellfire - ¨Plus, even if Betsy did find something to hurt Emma with, I think Miss Braddock's classy like Beyonce and classy people don't just go picking fights.¨

    Your right, Betsy is not one to pick a fight out of the blue unlike Emma LOL

  17. I mean Betsy can stand her own but not whitout provocation ...

  18. @Alejo ñ_ñ - Yes, I agree with you here. I see Betsy as a foil to Emma. Betsy is more graceful and classy than Emma, that's for sure.

  19. @centurion Er, I think foil is an incorrect term because they're actually quite similar women.Just one's bitchier and more amoral.

  20. @Mr. Hellfire - Ok, I stand corrected :)

  21. @Mr. Hellfire - As many of us do here, I am glad that Betsy is getting greater exposure in X-related books and Marvel videogames in general. That said, I would like her have a greater role in Wolverine and the X-Men and possibly future X-Men movies. If she is to be a "major player in the X-World," then she needs to be included in these aforementioned areas.


  22. I guess poser was the wrong word to choose, however, speaking strictly on storyline, I still think it would be interesting for Betsy to bring out Emma's insecurities about her background. My interprataion of when Betsy made the tranparent" comment was just that, she saw Emma as being insecure and Betsy was more mature about it. When people make bitchy comments like Emma did to Betsy, it sometimes comes from insecurity. And the fact is, like Emama, Betsy is sexy, a telepath, has money, is quick witted so she has to be some kind of a threat to Emma. Add to that Betsy's family background, and that I beleive that Emma knows of at least a passing attraction to B by Scott (In a time where S and E relationship is kind of rocky) and that most of the senior X-men love Betsy, I would think that Emma would be very insecure about Betsy being around. And it would be nice to see it handled in not a confrontational or bitchy way.

  23. which issue of uncanny is this from? are psylocke xavier and scott gonna go inside emma's mind? is the lack of speech bubbles an homage to an older story when phoenix and emma had a wild trip identifying cassandra nova a few years ago?

    i'll have to check with this site to see if anyone answers. LOL, how sad....i wish i had a name, lol. but then at least i have my own freakin' body.
