Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Uncanny X-Men #517 Preview Pages


  1. Land's definitely improved. His Rogue is cute.

  2. Yeah but hate how Tabitah looks u_u(on the second page.) Hope Betsy gets more spotlight on the remaining pages N_N

  3. Sorry I meant on the third page LOL XD

  4. they should have one of the cuckoos idolize Betsy instead of Emma and dye her hair purple :)

  5. Tabitha? Isn't that Magma?

  6. Nope. It's definitely Boom Boom.

  7. I thought it was Amara too, but Tabitha wears that dress and her hair is shorter than Magma's. Magma also wears the standard the standard uniform being a New Mutant and her mutation manifests throughout her entire body, not just her hands. it struck me for a second though because it's been a while since I've seen Tabitha with everyone else

  8. I have to say that Land is probably my favorite X-Men artist aside from John Cassaday. I prefer realism in the depictions

  9. ¨they should have one of the cuckoos idolize Betsy instead of Emma and dye her hair purple :)¨

    To Anonymous who said that, The Cuckoos don´t ¨idolize¨ Emma they hate her guts actually they were more into the Jean Grey´s club BUT Emma was so obsessed with them looking like her and she didn´t took good their rejection XD.

  10. Luckystar,I think you forgot to include the first page. :-)


  11. wow its very cinematic in its execution, loving the storyline. Athough i love that my fave characters are back, its a bit straind on the character development side, classic example would be the scene where Northstar, Dazzler and Scott were talking about his love life, more momments like that add a shine.

  12. Wow, for once Land's art looks good! It doesn't look like a bunch of models traced into comic books, it looks like real comic books. I hope he keeps the quality in the other pages.

    Two pages with Betsy so far, that's good! But why is Namor wearing a speedo? He has a X-uniform now, doesn't he?

  13. I agree with most of the posts here. Land's Rogue stands out as one of the strongest depictions this month, and his Psylocke is nice, too.

  14. Cuckoos = Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V ....
    Land =/
