Thursday, October 29, 2009

X-Men Forever #10 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: This is it. Psylocke's first appearance in X-Men Forever. I'm going to be honest here. I dropped Forever after issue #3, so I'm not really sure what's going on. Betsy and Brian return from England to attend Wolverine's funeral. It seems Betsy may have joined Excalibur... or not. Pencils are by Paul Smith.


  1. Why is Claremont so obsessed with Kurt and Betsy as a couple?I just don't see these two working well together...

    Beyond that this was a good issue.I'm amongst the minority that enjoys X-Men:Forever.

  2. I think Kurt and Betsy is disgusting. Or Kurt with any human looking person.

    I honestly hoped that with all the possibilities of XMF he'd at least have Betsy return to her British body and retcon the whole Asian change (THIS IS HIS ONE CHANCE), but if he had to keep her in it at least give her purple hair! The art in this is really bad and generic. It's like 1990s X-men coloring book bad. That said, at least she finally made her appearance and the mystery is over about how he'd portray her in this universe.

  3. I could never understand why Claremont is under the impression Psylocke is portrayed better in a relationship with the likes of Nightcrawler(not that I dislike him,I just don't approve the pairing of him and Betsy)or A.o.A. Sabertooth than in a relationship with Warren.

    As much as I prefer Betsy as a ninja,I also pray he reverts her to Caucasian without retaining her ninja training.Claremont hasn't written an interesting ninja Psylocke for 20 years...

  4. Needless to mention that it is as though Kurt tells her "Betsy,the X-Men are leading a dangerous life,liebchen,you should be safer in England!" and she responds "Fair enough,if you say so,Kurt!"...Yet another proof that Claremont has lost his grasp on Psylocke.

  5. It's rare I'm this negative, but those pencils are @$$!

  6. As much as I agree that Claremont's work in X-Men Forever is a mess, I don't see a problem in Betsy remaining Asian, since she was Asian-looking before he left the title in the 90s. The difference here is that her looks have nothing to do with Kwannon; this is Betsy's original body, only with a little bit of plastic surgery to make her look like an Asian woman.

    And I actually like the idea of her getting paired with Kurt (although it won't go far, since she's not even in the team anymore); I mean, why should his looks make him unfit for her? Isn't the premise of the X-Men to speak about tolerance and respect?

    However, Claremont misrepresented her when he wrote her agreeing that she should stay in England because the X-Men's situation is dangerous. Betsy LOVES danger, so that line should make her be even more interested in rejoining the team...

  7. I think having plastic surgery as the reason is a really bad idea, it's just....STUPID ans uneccesary, although I can see why Claremont would be upset that his beloved Betsy, a character which he basically created, and made her the character that we all know and love, would be changed into a completly different character and personality, they may aswell of made a completly new character and write off betsy forever, never to be seen. Saying that I would of prefered if Kwannon was just brought back to life in british betsy's body.

  8. Well, in my opinion, she doesn't even look Asian in these scans... maybe in Earth-161 Betsy did another plastic surgery to restore her original face.

  9. Betsy is usually drawn to look like Catherine Zeta-Jones. It's definitely bothersome but it's not a X-men Forever or Claremont exclusive issue.

    That said, I actually think that Kurt and Betsy would really cute together, though in general I prefer Betsy single.

  10. Hey guys! I wasn't actually sure how to contact anyone officially, but the release date and pricing for the MUA 2 DLC was announced!!
    It'll be released Nov. 5th for Xbox360 and Nov. 12th for PS3. It'll cost 800 Microsoft points for 360 owners and $9.99 for PS3 owners.

    Source here-

  11. I don't understand this aversion to a Betsy & Kurt relationship that many seem to have... I guess there are those that adamantly feel that only "good-looking," human appearing mutants should date others of similar kind, but I don't feel that Betsy should be relegated to such a superficial persona. I think this is ridiculous. In the world of Marvel, I think that adopting such a belief would be hypocrisy for those among the X-Men who have dedicated their lives to fighting bigotry, prejudice and racism against mutants... Maybe Betsy finds these types of mutant men attractive; for example, Beast and AOA Sabertooth. Do we even really know what Betsy's notion of attractive is? I am on the side of those who approve of this relationship. The scene with Kurt kissing Betsy reminds me of a Claremont scene where Beast did virtually the same thing with Betsy in the examination room. X-Men Forever is a great book, certainly stronger than New Exiles.


  12. I understand she was "Asian" looking at the time due to the stupid surgery change, but in XMF he can basically do anything he wants and that change has always been such a controversial unecessary mess. No one really considers her to be a real Asian and in reality the newer version of Psylocke should have just brought in a true Asian ninja instead of 'turning a white woman yellow' so to speak. This is CC's shot at being able to redo it all.

    I think if he still has her as a ninja he should make her look like a white woman with just surgically enhanced smaller eyes, but they obviously color her more yellow than the caucasian characters and give her slicked back black hair making it look like it's not even her original body she's in.

  13. @Betsy Wetsy - I agree. This universe is being presented as an "alternate" reality to the 616 universe we all love, so in that sense, Claremont has a wider creative space to explore his own vision for Betsy.

  14. Another question I asked myself is why and how could Betsy be passionately attracted to AOA Sabertooth, an identifical physical representation of a man who nearly killed her in Earth 616, if she were solely looking at superficial qualities in her men? Hmmm... I think there was something about AOA Sabertooth's personality that attracted Bets.


  15. I, also don't understand the aversion to Betsy and Kurt. i think they would be good for each other and help each other. Betsy's larger than life personality can help return Kurt to his happier days, and his faith and moral could help ground Betsy a bit. They are both intelligent, acrobatic, and passionate beings.

    I also have never understood the need for Warren and Betsy to get back together. 1. They had a decent break-up. It was over dramatic and unneeded. It was two people realizing that they had grown apart and accepting that fact. They were fine and could still function. It was a very mature end.
    2. Their relationship was rather superficial. They bonded because they were both in need of comfort after the things that they had been through. Betsy and the body swap and Warren and Apocalypse. There was never really any defining moment on why they were together or what kept them together. They had fun and that was about it.
    3. I don't understand why Kurt can't be with someone human looking. Even in his demonic form he is still described as being rather attractive.

  16. Betsy and The Beast FOREVER!!!

    Well when he left the title she was asian and he made her that way so if he wants to change it he can at least write a story for the change instead of dealing with it off panel. Also yes telling Betsy to stay back because its dangerous will cause her to go onto the front line. I loved Claremonts original 25 year run nearly everything since has been bad to mediocre, his one saving grace was bringing Sage back and the poor cow is now stuck in that stupid pink palace, so not including Betsy in his plans is probably a good thing!

    Personally i find Nightcrawler too much of a clown he has no edge for Betsy, hes either acting like the fool or spouting jesus jargon. They both have a joie de livre thats about it.

  17. I do not oppose to Betsy and Kurt as a couple because Nightcrawler isn't human-looking.I am not fond of it because I don't see any small bit of chemistry in them and I doubt Kurt himself would be interested in dangerous women like Psylocke.What Betsy and Kurt have shared in the 616-universe are merely moments of(flirting)friendship,but nothing beyond that.Betsy has shared similar relationships with Beast and Kurt with Ororo,Kitty and Rachel(although it can be speculated that he may have indeed deeper feelings for Rachel).

    The way Warren and Elizabeth parted ways was completely irrational,as far as I'm concerned.If Warren had been mad at Betsy because some Indian new-comer was flirting with her,Scott should have parted ways with Jean the moment Giant-Sized X-Men came out,after Jean was tempted to reciprocate Wolverine's feelings.And no,I never thought her relationship with Warren was superficial,considering that Warren was willing to sacrifice part of his soul to cleanse Betsy off the effects that the Crimson Dawn caused to her personality.That WAS a defining moment between these two.

  18. @Selene - Enjoyed reading your response! That's a possibility, too. However, sometimes it is that "dangerous" element to a woman that makes them attractive and appealing. Betsy is a fierce warrior, but I don't think she is anymore dangerous than Storm, Rogue, or Emma Frost. Faith is a subjective matter. Both Betsy and Kurt share a devout faith to something spiritual: Kurt to religion; Betsy to honing her skills as a warrior. I think that is a mark of compatibility. The question is what traits in a man would make that man compatible for Betsy? This is difficult to answer...

    Kurt may be a jocular character, but he is no pushover himself, and his gaiety shouldn't be mistaken for an inherent weakness as a man or a superhero. I think Kurt has the potential to be in a long-term relationship with Betsy if the writers so choose to develop something passionate between them.


  19. I never stated,nor implied that Kurt is inherently weak and fragile because he is interested in relationships with women with whom he feels more comfortable.I'm just saying that the kind of woman Psylocke is does not suit Kurt at all.It's alsways been apparent that Kurt was closer to women he knew for years.That's why Amanda Sefton was the love of his life,she was his foster sister and he had been knowing her since his childhood years.Whilst Betsy(even prior to the realization of her childhood dream-in other words,her transformation into an independent warrior-)had always been mysterious and quite distant.These two just don't stick together,in my way of thinking.Albeit,as centurion very intelligently observed that "danger" is often the element that charms us,it would not guarantee that their relationship would last long.It would be equivalent to a regular,feisty affair.They are two entirely different people;sooner or later,they would fall out,in my opinion.

  20. @Selene - You are right and you always have superbly intelligent things to say :) I was trying to contend a possible reason why Betsy and Kurt could be together. I think she could be paired with Beast or Kurt, or maybe someone outside the inner circle of X-Men. What rule is there that says an X-Woman should only date another X-Man?

    All the best,

  21. If Betsy can see past the face of the man who gutted her to the man within AOA Sabertooth. I could see her looking past Kurt's physical mutations.

    She might have once been a stuffy supermodel but I feel that Betsy is someone who can see past physical appearance to what matters within. Which is good for someone who was once blind and has had their telepathy come and go. While I see her & Kurt more has playful flirting, I find him way more enjoyable than Mr.Plastic with wings.

    Warren never had any good characterization beyond his whole blue-emo phase which they've brought back to make the character seem relevant again.

  22. @Sky - Hi. This is what I was trying to articulate earlier ;) Thanks!

    Very Best,

  23. Um...WHAT IS THIS?! All I have to say is, I feel that Claremont's time writing ANY of the X-Men has come to a staggering end. He has lost grasp on the ENTIRE team, from Xavier to Pixie. Just let it GO. God, I can't even read that hot mess...

  24. Warren may have wanted to give part of his soul to help Betsy, but really came after that. I'm sure it could be debated that many of the other X-men would have gladly made that sacrifice as well. And you can't really compare the Warren/betsy breal-up to Scott/Jean/Logan affair. Scott and Warren are completey different thinking and functioning in completely different ways. Warren saw she was flirting and it made him realize she wasn't happy with him. He wanted someone who he knew only wanted him forever and that wasn't Betsy. She also knew it and accepted it. I'm not going to say that they didn't care for each other, but people grow apart. It happens in real life and i feel it was a plausible affliction for the two of them.
