Friday, September 11, 2009

Necrosha & The List - First Look!

As some of you may already know, "Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: Exodus #1" has a 7-page preview of Necrosha! Not really Psylocke-related, but it's so good I wanted to share with you guys too! The Necrosha one-shot will go on sale on October 21.

Necrosha One-Shot

Spoilers: She was born after the oceans swallowed Atlantis and before the rise of the sons of the Aryans. Her mother was the first to sacrifice her life to insure her survival, but she wouldn't be the last. They recognized her for what she was and they also gave her the name of a goddess. And now, 17 thousand years later, she is decided to become the deity she was always destined to be. She is Selene, the Black Queen. By her side, Kevin Ford/Wither, Clarice Fergunson/Blink, Suvik Senyaka/Senyaka, Lois London/Mortis and Eliphas/Eli Bard. Whoever impends her ascension to goodhood will suffer. The first target? Utopia.

Dark Reign: The List - X-Men

It turns out that "Dark Reign: The List - Avengers #1", also on sale this week, has a preview included too! Unlettered art of "Dark Reign: The List - X-Men #1", which will be released on September 23. Guess what? Psylocke is featured! Drawn by Alan Davis again. How cool is that? If you've read Exodus, some people are speculating that Emma Frost may be stuck in her diamond form, which prevents her from using her TP. That would make Betsy the #1 Telepath of the X-Men! Enjoy the art.


  1. Really looking forward for both of these books.

  2. @Captainfur - Hi. So am I. X-Force is one of my recent favorite X-Books. Strong writing and fantastic art. Selene looks simply amazing. The sort of villianess that is seductive yet murderous at the same time.

  3. too bad Revanche isn't going to be in Necrosha. i can't believe Dazzler is on Alan's cover haha.

  4. Alan Davis definitely knows how to draw Psylocke... The girl looks amazing! And although she's not in the other preview of the issue, Necrosha looks great as well!

    BTW, for those who already read Exodus, is it true that Betsy appears in one of the final panels talking to Emma and Kavita Rao? The description makes it seem to be an interesting panel...

  5. FSaker: Yes, there's a panel in Exodus showing Psylocke; Rao and Frost... but they're not talking.

    I mean, there's a caption with Scott's monologue on live TV, they look more like they're listening to it.

  6. I think theyre discussing Emma's new problem, oh god I hope Betsy doesnt take the Diamond form and give Emma her telepathy! Ive had enough of thug Betsy.

    Well Betsy still has Xavier and the Cuckoo's to contend with and she's weak low level. She's probably going to be the main field telepath now though ^___^

    Revanche should have been in Necrosha and not wasted with the sisterhood.

  7. @Kylie - I think Marvel seems to be trying to expunge Revanche from Psylocke's history. Maybe the upcoming Psylocke mini will address Revanche.

  8. @Fsaker - Hey. Alan Davis is definitely one of my favorite Psylocke artists. Y. Paquette is another. Land and Dosdon also have their moments of Psylocke glory, too.


  9. @Fsaker - By far the two BEST Psylocke artists are Jim Lee and Marc Silvestri IMHO.


  10. 1st Jim Lee
    2nd Alan Davis
    3rd Salvador Larocca?

    I liked Joe Mad but he didnt really draw her that asian even if he did put her in some awesome poses.

  11. Where the hell is the damn butterfly!

  12. Oh sorry, I forgot about the Exodus cameo. Here it is:

  13. Thanks, Luckystar. Betsy is nicely drawn here.

  14. All hail,our Black Queen!

    As for the artists that have drawn the most impressive Psylocke,the list goes like that,in my opinion:


  15. DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his art is freakin AMAZING!!! I wish he was drawing an X-book again! I'm excited for these!!!

  16. @Mikey - Hi. Missed your comments for a while. I agree regarding Davis! Davis once drew a nice X-23.

  17. If it is true that Emma is stuck in her diamond form, preventing her from using ther telepathy, then that would provide an opportunity for Betsy be the premier telepath on the X-Men rather than a secondary or tertiary one. I still want Emma and Betsy to be on the same X-Team.

  18. @Centurion: Yeah i've been MIA for a while. Sorry :( but i'm back!! haha
    I'm excited for where this will take Emma. Not only for her but with her relationship with the team!! Yay for Betsy being the only field telepath now!! AND, yes to them being on the same team. I think that could be hilarious!!!!

    Fsaker said this,"I'd love to see them not as rivals (this formula is already dated thanks to Kitty and Storm), but more like bitchy friends, who insult each other all the time but who actually like to hang out with each other..."

    this is an awesome idea!!! Think about it: Betsy comes from High Society, and Emma just wishes she did!I think that with Emma not having her telepathy (for however long) she will be humbled in a lot of ways! OOOOH *DROOL* HAHA

    BUT what i thinking is, this is just a beginning for Jean to come back.....

  19. @Mikey - An intriguing idea :) Betsy and Emma could have a "love/hate relationship" like Leonard McCoy and Spock in Star Trek :)


  20. Yeah right, loved the bitch and slag comments a few years back post ressurection, but its old hat now. Have the girls settle in to a good friendship, its what the both of them have been missing. You know that when Jean gets back Emma will feel majorly displaced, so it will be good for her to have Betsy as her and Jeam have never been really chummy anyway.
    Lets just hope Kitty stays in that bullet, i never warmed to her and i think shes had too many chances to be likeable.
    Until Psylocke is advertised as making an appearance in XMF im not going to make any effort there, it all looks a bit too cartoony right now.
    Just cant wait for the mini series, any update on wghen that is dropping btw?

  21. Yes Centurion, Lee and Silvestri are great Psylocke artists too! But Davis is still my favorite; I think he can make her facial expressions very amazing!

    Plus, the guy has been drawing her for a long time, even before she even joined the X-Men...

  22. @Fsaker - You are right. I didn't remember that.
