Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dark Reign: The List - X-Men Art


  1. Hmmm... I always liked it better when her Psi signature was a bit more... wild and jagged.

  2. Not the best butterfly signature, but still, at least he remembered!

  3. BEAUTIFULL.Alan Davis is just <3.whenever i read his books i feel the same way i felt when i read John Byrnes Phoenix Saga when i was a lil boy.he is an amazing artist technically and creatively.The storytelling is amazing.wish i was half as good as him lol.
    The Butterly gate has been open,so hopefully ALL other artists will start using it freely.And once again more and more interaction with the X-crew for Betts Yay!

  4. I haven't said it in a while, but @PsySpears is hot-sauce... Haha.

  5. Hell Yes! Finally the butterfly is back!

  6. Davis is an awesome artist!! He should be the one drawing the regular Uncanny X-Men issues... It's a pity that the colors for Psylocke were mixed (her hair is blue-ish and her clothes are purple), but except for that, she looks great!

    Nice scene, also, with her interaction with Bobby... BTW, just out of curiosity, what outfit is he wearing nowadays? The '90s one that covered all his body (and his best one until nowadays)? The classic (but lame) speedo and boots? Nothing at all?

    Maybe we finally found someone who needs to get covered more than Betsy does...

  7. I don't know if I like Alan Davis' art or not... I think it all dpeends upon the colourist. For some reason, Psylocke's costume and hair are always mixed up.

    Despite Fraction's little captions reminding us of her being a 'psychic ninja', we haven't seen any ninja-ing in the slightest. It's like a return of British Betsy.

  8. I know I'm going off-topic,but,luckystar,you may want to upload the X-Men:Legacy podcast with M.Carey.He mentions that Psylocke would be included in his ideal team(consisting of her,Rogue,Beast,Cyclops,Ariel,Iceman and Cannonball).

  9. By "Ariel", does he mean Kitty Pryde or that 80s' reject girl with the colorful hair?

    If he means Kitty, yeah, that would be an awesome team! If he means the other Ariel though, I'd rather have Nightcrawler in her place...

  10. Selene - That's a fine lineup to me. Half of the X-Men Blue team are included in their lineup, which is a plus in my opinion. Cannonball is great and so is Iceman. I guess Wolverine would be a no show, huh?


  11. @FSaker - Hi. Davis is a great artist. I like him because his art has that classic comic book feel to it. He does a fine Betsy that's for sure. I like the fastball special between Wolverine and Colossus in the scans. Nice homage to Days of Future Past.

    @Selene - It looks like Carey may want to wrestle Betsy from Fraction. I like her in Uncanny, but if she makes appearances in Legacy, that's fine as well.

  12. Betsy has a wonderful figure in the first scan. Davis is a great artist. I like the Butterfly effect with Iceman. Two pluses!

  13. lol at dejavu you're so delusional. she's a ninja first and foremost you all need to deal with it. even her mini is complete ninja action.

    and selene- if beast, cannonball and ariel were replaced that might be a good list.

  14. Preview of the upcoming mini...

  15. Speaking of the butterfly effect, something I've wondered recently is: why does her telepathy manifests itself that way?? Does she have any past connections to butterflies (a memory, perhaps?) that helped trigger her powers or something like that?? Yost could answer that in the mini, or other writer (Carey, for instance) could answer that in a future story. But there must be some reason for her powers to manifest themselves in the shape of a butterfly...

    And since we're talking about Yost's mini, I liked Talibao's art in these unfinished pages! They look like a 90s comic book, which is nice (the problem with 90s comic books IMO wasn't the art, but the stories)... But the problem is that they only show Betsy kicking some ninjas' asses, nothing else, not a single indication of a conversation. Action scenes are cool, but I hope Yost remembers that it is a good plot that really guarantees a good comic...

  16. OMG. So many things to post. Wait a minute!
    Thanks Selene!

  17. @FSaker (this is CmX btw, at work so can't log in here) but by Ariel I'm sure he is referring to the teleporting character that was recently used in Legacy during the Utopia tie-in issues. She is the woman that looked very Dazzler and can teleport through doors. She is neat and I think an older Marvel UK character.

  18. @FSaker - Hi. Wow, what an interesting question! What you said earlier would be great material for a Psylocke origins story or series. I don't think anyone has asked this question before. My question is: How much do we know about Betsy's childhood and upbringing? Maybe it is her unique manifestation of the X-Gene? Carey, Claremont, or another writer could address this question in the future. I think Claremont would be the best person to ask.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @Fsaker - Hey. Remember when Betsy used the butterfly aura in her astral form?

  21. @Dejavu - I pay attention to those little "X Captions" in Uncanny that usually precede the entrance of a character because sometimes those few words can contain much meaning. As seen in the first Betsy scan of UXM 515, the caption says "recently returned from away" I took that to mean that Betsy is still acclimating to her new setting in San Francisco, and still restablishing her position on the X-Men. Considering all she has been through psychologicaly and physically in the Exiles & the Sisterhood arc, she probably isn't ready to do any major fighting yet.

  22. I must say! i LOVE When we see her drawn asian!

    And great butterfly!

    and if she's barely getting used to her powers, heck, that was some strength for someone barely getting back on her feet :)
