Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Uncanny X-Men #514 Preview

Cover by: Terry Dodson
Writer: Matt Fraction
Pencils: Terry Dodson
Inks: Rachel Dodson
Colored by: Justin Ponsor
Lettered by: VC - Joe Caramagna

The Story: “Utopia: Chapter 4” - Utopia rages on! Norman Osborn’s victory in San Francisco is cemented when the Dark X-Men succeed where the X-Men can’t. All the while the Dark Avengers are forced to watch from the sidelines. But how long will Bullseye and Ares sit idle?

In Stores: August 12, 2009


  1. Skin tight purple body suit!!!:O

  2. Doesn't look like it's her new costume though.

    I have to say, the image in the image in the third panel is one of the best Betsy's I have scene in a long time.

    It's great that she's got something big to do, my best guess is that either she is finding a way to deal with Namor or she is doing a reverse escape from alcatraz to spring Beast.

  3. Heh, cool! She read Scotts mind before he even got to finish his sentence. Telepathy, go!

  4. Dodson hit the nail on the head with these drawings of Betsy. They are gorgeous! So, Bets is a telekinetic and telepathic: Good! I can sense subtle erotic tension in the images between Cyclops and Betsy. Of all of the recent Asian depictions of Psylocke, these images rank among the best yet, especially the bottom of the second pane and the middle right image of the third. What is most impressive about these scans is that Dodson manages to depict Betsy as an Asian quite well, not Eurasian. I have always said that if Psylocke intends to stay Asian, then she should start looking that way. Suffice it to say, this is an impressive start!

  5. The writing, the art, Bets being a major player... SO good! I hope the rest of the issue is this great.

    (Does this mean there's no new permanent costume?)

  6. Good question, Mirage. It may be an upcoming surprise, or it may not be a "new" costume at all. Is what we are looking at in the scans Betsy's "new" costume? I guess it depends on how we define "new" costume...


  7. Mirage, you know, my vision for the the "new" Psylocke costume would be something so compelling, different, and awe-inspiring, that it would have a similar impact to the one that the hand outfit had when it was originally unveiled two decades ago. Psylocke's hand outfit was, and still is to a great degree, a great uniform, but I think eventually a totally different design or a modificaiton of the hand outfit will reach fruition one day.


  8. i'm sorry, is she wearing a wetsuit?

    Why is she wearing a wetsuit?

  9. Once again, Fraction's dialog ruins it for me. It's like watching a Joss Whedon tv show. Quirky. She also has a very masculine face and body. Asian women have very demure, soft faces. Her hair is cute and the new outfit is cute. Everything else is meh.

  10. Breaking into Alcatraz island might invlolve some swimming and would explain the fight with Dark Beast.

    I think it would make sense that Betsy and the X-club would save the good Hank.

    So maybe that explains the wetsuit.

  11. She looks freakin gorgeous!!! so much for a new costume, shame cos its a cool outfit, u can never beat the hand tho.

  12. I dont care for "Neena's" tone, dont make me TK TP ninja wetsuit of awesome u bitch.

  13. Perfect! I love the costume (hopefully not temporary), I love Betsy's bitchy comeback to Domino, and I love how Cyclops seems to regard Psylocke as the leader of this mission.

  14. OMG, she looks TERRIFIC!! THIS should be her definitive new costume!

    Unfortunately, the Marvel artists seem to prefer the old blue ninja bathing suit... It could at least get some update, like a "X" button in her chest area (like the costumes of every other x-men), some fabric change to make it look like rubber instead of lycra, etc.

    But why am I complaining? At least for one issue she gets a new and awesome outfit, and a relevant role! Yay!

  15. Boring. I really wish more artists would define the color much better. You can never tell if Psylocke's hair is actually purple with some of them or it's just highlighted by a light source. I don't like how so many artists make her have black hair. It should be pure purple. You can't even tell if her uniform is supposed to be purple or black. I assume it's purple since it's the same exact coloring as her hair. Dodson should fire his wife.

  16. I think Dodson may consider firing his own wife a dangerous decision... Plus, I don't think her work is bad. But that's just my opinion.

    I'm just glad to see Betsy getting a relevant role in the X-verse again! Specially considering her Ultimate counterpart's fate...

    BTW LuckyStar, will you post some scans of the "Ultimatum: X-Men Requiem" issue? I heard Ultimate Betsy is shown in this issue (dead, but she's still shown), and that in the end of the issue it is explained how she died. It's sad, but it might be interesting.

  17. Later today I will F. :D There's a page with her corpse and another one with her obituary.

  18. Gosh, poor Ultimate Betsy... She shouldn't be among the Ultimatum victims...

    Anyway, thanks for the scans, I'll be waiting for them!

  19. Yes, I seriously thought that Ultimate Betsy had survived the attack on the X-Mansion. The discussions on this blog proved otherwrise. I will see if I can find the scans on the net and post a link for you here.

  20. When we look at x-men uniforms in general, there are usually two variants: an individual character costume and a team uniform. Psylocke's outfit as seen on these scans is nice and would be an appropriate team uniform. I remember Fsaker you mentioned a while ago that Betsy should have an X on the uniform. I agree with your argument that it would make Bets a more legitimate team member and not feel out of place. I'm glad the X is on her costume in Dodson's drawings here.

  21. Exactly! I'm hoping this is indeed her new costume and her "swimming" comment was just her mocking Domino!

    Come on, it has a "X" in it! Her Hand blue ninja bathing suit doesn't even have the "X" it used to have on her sash...

  22. You know, Fsaker, you raise an interesting point. I also tried to comprehend the context and meaning of the "swimming" comment. I looked at the scans several times on this blog. Was Betsy trying to be facetious or sarcastic? Was she subtly taunting Cyclops with memories of her "swimsuit days" in the Jim Lee X-Men days? Was the comment only directed at Domino? Maybe it is Betsy's role in the upcoming mission to swim somewhere. Let's wait until we read this issue in its entirety, then debate this further. I have no definitive answer, my friend.

  23. Although, I actually LIKE the wet-suit what if that's all it really is... AND... upon getting to her destination (in Bond Bombshell fashion) she unzips it to reveal her NEW costume?

    P.S. Ha ha ha, HAHAhaHA! Take that Dom!

  24. Soultapestry, that would be a nice revelation :)

  25. I was bored so here you go. It's the evolution of her current costume.

    It changed from what the original art was. The costume was supposed to be booty shorts. I wonder why he changed it??

  26. Fraction should have made them question her old bathing suit. "How long have you had that thong riding up your ass Betsy? Were you just at the beach?"

  27. i love when she knows what cyclops is going to say, except I still have no idea what they're talking about. ah, telepathy! feels good!

    it's cool that her wetsuit pisses off dom, and then she turns away (embarrassed?) and has a smart-ass remark. if wolverine were in a thong no one would say anything, psylocke shoulda punched "neena." since is she called "neena?"

    so she likes to wear overly revealing outfits on missions. don't marathon runners do the same thing?!

  28. Of course she knew what he was going to say, they had obviously talked about it before. Take note that Dani knew what he wanted of her as well.
