Friday, August 7, 2009

Chicago Comic-Con 2009: Marvel's Official Panel Schedule

Wizard World Chicago Programming: Check out what's coming to Chicago Comic-Con 2009!

Saturday, August 8
Mondo Marvel Panel
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Dark Reign, Avengers, Spider-Man, MAX, Cosmic and more! No corner of the Marvel U is left unturned as Marvel creators Craig Kyle (X-Force), Chris Yost (X-Men: Psylocke), Dan Slott (Amazing Spider-Man), Jason Aaron (Dark Reign: The List), Jim McCann (New Avengers: The Reunion), and editors Mark Paniccia (Hulk) and Lauren Sankovitch (Avengers) gather on one stage to take on questions and announce some of the projects that will be heating up shelves this winter!

It seems Chris Yost will be talking about "X-Men: Psylocke" during this panel. Let's keep an eye out for it. There may even be some preview art!

Sunday, August 9
Marvel: X-Men Panel
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
They are fighting a war with the Dark Avengers and soon the ghosts of the past will come back to haunt them- literally! Want to know more? You’ll have to come to this panel for news on all the mighty mutant mayhem that is about to befall the X-Men, X-Force, Wolverine, and more! Join writers Craig Kyle & Chris Yost (X-Force), Jason Aaron (Wolverine: Weapon X) and Marvel’s own Jim McCann for the inside scoop and breaking news!


  1. I just fainted.


    This sounds so good. ;)

  2. Yes, let's hope Yost gives some more information about the Psylocke miniseries!

    I'd love to see something about her in the X-Men panel too, but since Fraction's name is not in it (nor Carey's), and Kyle & Yost already said Betsy will not appear in X-Force for a while, I think we'll probably get no news in that panel.

  3. X-Men: Psylocke. All I can say is: WOW! The fact that her name is included immediately after the X-Men suggests her level of great significance! Can't wait for the details to start surfacing.

  4. I hope someone asks at the Comic Con about Psylocke's presence in the upcoming season of Wolverine and the X-Men.
