Here's the unfinished Marc Silvestri variant cover to the upcoming Uncanny X-Men/Dark Avengers one-shot that kicks off the summer crossover event. As you can tell from the cover Psylocke will indeed be returning to her Asian body and in her old Jim Lee costume. I have to say I'm very disappointed in this decision to make her Asian again. Oh well at least she's back in the main titles again and looks like she's going to be more than just wallpaper.
on the ground?!...that's frustrating...she can map the floor with at least five of the dark avengers!!
ReplyDeleteThis really sucks!! I was SO excited to have British Betsy back. Maybe there's a slight possibility this isn't the finished artwork?? Maybe? *sigh*
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ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say from this drawing if she's Asian or not; her facial features look a lot like Emma's (who is definitely not Asian), and I may be mistaken, but her hair seems to be in a lighter color than it usually looks in her Asian body.
ReplyDeleteWhat really bothers me in this drawing isn't her body, anyway, but to see that it seems she'll most likely retain the awful buttfloss suit again. I definitely don't want to see Psylocke, Asian or British, fighting with her butt exposed again! And come on, how hard is it to at least add some "X" symbol to her suit or add some details (zippers, for instance)??
And Francis, don't be frustrated, I think this cover is only illustrative. Take into consideration that Miss Emma "the perfect and undefeatable X-Woman" Frost is also unconscious in the ground in this cover... and she definitely won't be defeated so soon in the crossover.
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ReplyDeleteI think they should update the outfit, but this cover does illustrate its not only Psylocke that fights in a bathing suit, take a look at what Emma and Ms Marvel are wearing, they make Psylockes costume seem conservative by comparison,
ReplyDeleteWell, Emma at least is wearing PANTS! Psylocke could wear some pants, you know...
ReplyDeleteAnd Moonstone isn't exactly someone we want Betsy to be compared with, right? Plus, technically she's covering more skin than Betsy.
(although the REAL Ms. Marvel does dress herself as much as Psylocke)
This sucks. I wish I could tell Fraction or Marvel this lets a lot of fans down just so they know many people were excited and rejuvenated in the chance of the character changing. If anything give her a new outfit or hair or something. It was a stupid change in character that happened way too long ago that was meaningless. What was even the freakin point of this whole plot. Sigh...
ReplyDeletei wish it was just a hybrid and it was still british betts like this deviant art person made it
Well I think I have seen her drawn well and written well in this costume, so I think it's all about the writing. The current artist on uncanny seems to vamp up all the women no matter what they are wearing, it was funny that on the last cover that both versions of psylocke had gigantic boobs, and on the next cover it looks like emma and the red queen are using theirs as weapons. Personally I dont care about costumes or bodies, just dont leave her in the background and develop the story line around her.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the bodies will be merged into a hybrid? That would at least be something interesting and would make some use of the British body plot...
ReplyDeleteProbably too late to voice all these concerns to Fraction/Marvel, huh?
It's Kwannon. Yep, it's Kwannon. Did I mentioned it was Kwannon?
ReplyDeleteI'm in my denial mode here, after that little speech by Maddie about Betsy's original body being so powerful and all... :-(
This is only promo art. Silvestri might not have known Betts would be back in Asian body when he did this.She only drew Psylocke as he knows her. Plus she doesn't look very Asian - Emma looks just as Asian.
ReplyDeleteKeep the faith! There might still be hope she will stay in British body.
Oops didn't mean to put Silvestri as a "she"....hehe ....Silvestri might not know about Fraction's storyline about the body change.
ReplyDeleteI want to keep the faith but there's too much evidence she's going back to Asian. The variant cover to Uncanny 510 with Asian Psylocke surrounded by the temples and her psychic knife, the cover to 512 with Beast and Angel with her Asian face and slick dark purple hair, and now this. I don't think Marvel cares enough to manipulate all these images to show the Asian Psylocke. Maybe they didn't let Fraction turn her British the same reason they didn't let CC - because of marketing the character and never letting her change. :(
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, i think that marvel has to much invested in asian psylocke to have a change. And personally, I like the asian version better, i dont know what they will do with her if she ends up just another telepath on the team. Either way it will be hard to put either body in a grave, if that is what they have in mind.
ReplyDeleteI think it's still to soon to speculate. We might end up with Madelyne in Psylocke's Asian body for all we know...
ReplyDelete*sigh* have to rewrite everything...
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to feel what some have already speculated could happen; that Betsy's Asian and British bodies will merge somehow. And why not, if it works for Thor and She-Hulk, then why not for Betsy? ;-)
I think that would satisfy both sides, those that want a British telepathic Betsy and those that want an Asian telekinetic Betsy. She would stil have both abilites, but wouldn't be able to use them at the same time. Besides, it would be fun to see her friends reactions when she changes from one form to the other.
i think that's a dangerous choice... she would have to be really well-written or it would end up with some kind of shit-readings... i do not dislike this idea anyway!
ReplyDeleteI don't think that will happen, Giles. I can see Angel turning to Archangel because it makes sense and it's more of a fantasy like change to blue skin and armored wings, but I don't think they would pull off Betsy changing her race. It seems pretty ridiculous if she were to be white in one panel and asian in the next. and probably 70% of the artists for UXM can't even draw her asian in the first place so i have a feeling they won't be doing that. i like reading about the speculation and everyone's thoughts and ideas. most of the time it's better than what's actually in the books. my theory is just that betsy will get her telepathy back but be in the asian body and that's why she has a psychic knife. i dont think they are going to kill the british body again. i think they're going to do something with it and maybe even have betsy in two bodies if they aren't making the asian one a weapon. the part where they surrounded the asian body and said she was an empty vessel that could be controlled makes me think they're going to do something with both.
ReplyDeleteWhat if the two bodies merge and form a new "mixed race" body? That would satisfy both sides without the weird switching-back-and-forth-between-bodies thing.
ReplyDeleteyou guys someone on a rachel forum asked fraction a while back what he preferred and he talked about liking ninja betsy with telepahty. that's what this is all about. he isn't simplifying the character to make her british. he's simplifying her to make her an asian telepath. the british body was meaningless to bring back.
you guys someone on a rachel forum asked fraction a while back what he preferred and he talked about liking ninja betsy with telepahty.I'm sorry, but Fraction hasn't said anything like that. The poster asked him about Ninja Betsy with telepathy, and Fraction answered with "..." which probably means STOP ASKING ABOUT PSYLOCLE! lol If anything, Fraction mocked about the bathing suit.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of both bodies merging to either form an only "mixed" body (in fact, when she became Asian she was originally supposed to be in her original body only with some physical and magical plastic surgery to make it look remotely Asian, right?) or to switch back and forth between her looks (although it could destroy the character if it is badly written).
ReplyDeleteBut I'm already fine with the idea of her staying in the Asian body. If that's what happens, I just wish that at some point in the story she would say that SHE prefers to be in the Asian body. What always bothered me about her body swap is that she never chose to switch it; but if she actually likes Kwannon's body better, as sick as it is, then may the British body rest in peace...
But, BTW, the buttfloss ninja bathing suit must go away, FOREVER! It was nice in the 90s, but come on, every x-man changes outfits often, so why can't she? Silvestri's cover doesn't even add an "X" symbol in her costume!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I must confess I really loved Larroca's reinvention of the buttfloss ninja bathing suit in Xtreme X-Men... well, at least it had some "X" symbols in it; plus it had some special textures in it to make it look like rubber or something like that, instead of a plain bathing suit...
Bathing suits for costumes must die, Bathing suits for costumes for Psylocke must die with a vengeance.
ReplyDeleteI agree she should change costumes, heck I like the one in X-Men: Legends better that buttfloss...
"What if the two bodies merge and form a new "mixed race" body?"Ha ha ha...I can just imagine how in twenty years time from now, Betsy will be called the "African-Latin-Asian chic who used to be British!" ;-)