Thursday, May 14, 2009

Uncanny X-Men #510 Preview

Cover by: Greg Land
Writer: Matt Fraction
Pencils: Greg Land
Inks: Jay Leisten
Colored by: Justin Ponsor
Lettered by: VC - Joe Caramagna

The Story: SIEGE! The Sisterhood executes a massive raid on the Graymalkin Facility, taking their fight to the Uncanny X-Men, and you won't believe the ferocity. No one is safe! Everybody fights! But why? How? What do they want? And how long can violence at such an insane level last? Oh, about most of the issue.

In Stores: May 20, 2009


  1. Alright, I'm being completely honest here. I've been totally resolved to the fact that Betsy will return to her Asian form ever since Fraction warned us to "wait 'til it's over". Because of this, I really didn't allow myself to get my hopes up; however, after seeing her in her old armor I have to admit I'm feeling very nostalgiac and a bit sad.

  2. Brit Betsy looks so amazing and a force to be reckoned with! They totally dropped the ball spoiling people with future covers. Oh well, Long Live Psylocke! If any of the little New X-men girls kill Psylocke I will put a flaming bag of dog poo on Fraction's door step. We know Asian Psylocke is on future covers and know someone dies, but I really hope that doesn't mean British Betsy has to die :( Let her live. I wouldn't even mind if Kwannon stayed in British Betsy's body. I like the look of her. Compare this to that horrible Guess Who's Back cover...

  3. the alternate cover should the picture of her and wolverine instead!

  4. OMG!!!! Auusie armor's back, yay!!!!
    The fanboy in me is doing all types of dances. Seriously,I could kiss Fraction!!!

  5. The Outback armor, the psychic dagger... wow! She looks great! The single page of her attacking Wolverine makes this issue worth buying!

    (unless her British body ends up being decapitated or something like that... if the British body has to die, I hope at least it's not in a gruesome way)

  6. SOOOOOO amazing to see her with the armor! I was not expecting that at all. Also so great to see the psychic knife. Oh Marvel, please don't f--- this up!

  7. yeah sure,, aussie armor was amazing. but greg land made her look like Little Red Riding Hood


  8. a toe to toe with Logan! Fraction could not do any better!!

  9. Everybody hates on Land, but his art is beautiful. Yeah, some of it is probably traced and yes, *some* of the faces might be a bit over-indulgent... but this whole Sisterhood arc looks fantastic. I think he's doing a great job of making the armor look modern/relevant and awesome.

  10. I'll take Land's art over Dodson's anyday. I hate Dodson's "muscular" characters. So ugly! Bachalo is my favorite <3 and Australian armor looks fierce!

  11. :O!!
    Psy-dagger, the focused totality of her TELEPATHY!!!!
    Looks like we've got her as a telepath again:D Let's hope this stays:):)

  12. I "hate" on Land's art because it's terribly uninspired and least when it comes to female characters. All of them look exactly the same.

    Go look at his earlier work, like Sojourn with CrossGen. Eight years later and the females he drew then look just like they do now. And they ALL look like he saw some model in a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog, got that image stuck in his head and uses it as his default female form.

  13. In the first line of my previous post, "and least" should read "at least".

  14. Reasons to dislike Land's work:

    Page 2, first panel, Isako, inside that armor, looks cramped. LOOK AT THAT HEAD.

    Page 5, Wolverine's torso, what's that, now it turns out Logan's the brother of Liefeld's Captain America??

    Gonna take a pack of barf-bags to read this... the art it's so bad it's gonna get a hell of a story for me to like this issue.

  15. To each his/her own! I guess Marvel is doing the right thing in having two artists on the book, then.... something for everyone.

  16. Didnt Psylocke have some kind of special psy link with Wolverine?
    I think there have been at least two other stories where Betsy seems to be under the control of someone, attacks wolverine, and its all trick between the two of them to get information.

    At least maybe thats what will make her snap out of it.

  17. yes the two have a psychic link from issue 256(?). i'm hoping that will be brought up as well....

    then again, she was also able to control Sabretooth back then with no problem and somehow that was forgotten about completely

    but anyway this is great so far, i'm in heaven with both bodies back!

  18. Her armor is not very well drawn... looks so simple... without the details it used to have...

  19. i think her armor looks great. the coloring makes it shiny and there is the metal detail on some parts. honestly i don't like how all the women have the same face, but i think it is very pretty art.

  20. I agree, all the women do have the same faces. And all the eveil ones have those Sh&@$ eating grins on their faces a well, dont like that either.
