Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Emerald City ComicCon 2009: Mondo Marvel

Matt Fraction was present at Emerald City ComicCon this past weekend. He talked about Uncanny X-Men and future storylines:

“We just wrapped up the storyline called ‘Lovelorn,’ in which Colossus got a tattoo. Now we go to the storyline called ‘Sisterhood,’ where we see what all those weird women have been up to and what their plans are. Old favorites come back, new people join the team, people die, things explode, people have sex…

A one-off issue will be coming up that features Beast and the team of “fringe” scientists he’s put together. Fraction teased, “They go back in time to San Francisco in 1906 to investigate one of the earliest mutant births they know of, and who that is just might surprise you…”

Fraction continued, “And then we’re into the summer event which is ‘Dark Avengers/X-Men: Utopia.’ Emma and Norman’s deal was that she would keep mutants quiet and off the table and he’d stay out of their business, and something’s happened to upset that cart of apples…and it’s so big, it results in a summer crossover, and not an independent book being written by Mike Carey called ‘Dark X-Men.’ [The image being floated around the internet] is actually the cover image to ‘Uncanny’ #513.”

Fraction and X-Men Editor Nick Lowe made a giant list of all the mutants in the Marvel Universe, and Fraction tried to fit every single one of them in the upcoming “Utopia.” He doesn’t believe he achieved it, but he thinks he came close.

For more Mondo Marvel announcements, read Comic Books Resources' description.


  1. Psylocke has already been seen as Asian in the preview to the book with Beast and Angel where they go back in time. But I'm more interested in Phoenix coming back and if it has anything to do with Psylocke (aka the power switch). Rachel just recently lost her Phoenix force and said "mom not now" so Jean is DEFINITELY coming back. I would love to see Betsy and Jean fight alongside each other for good but it might just be the Phoenix destroying Vulcan. Armor and Karma have been in the X-books for a while now and they remind me too much of how most artists drew Psylocke. I hope she comes back and eventually goes back to her British body or at least has distinguishing features like purple hair.

  2. Has it already been established that Jean is coming back? I thought that baby-now-soon-to-be-teenager Hope was Jean (sort of). I'm not particular interested in a Phoenix-Jean back into the X-Men, it would like having a Celestial as a member of the Avengers or Galactus as one of the FF.

    But a non-Phoenix powered teaming up with Betsy would be okay, as long as Jean doesn't drag Betsy into some kind of fight with Emma over Scott, Betsy needs to stay away from that hornet's nest as far as possible! ;)

  3. i sorta like Betsy being the woman that the commited men look at with lust. i thought it was funny when Scott did it when he was with Jean. there was an old picture of British Betts nude getting drawn by Collosus in one of the older issues and it was so pretty. i wish she'd be british betts again with that same hairstyle in that same pose and since Kitty is m.i.a. she could be there for Pitor. and then Kitty could come back and catch them in the act LOL. well they did say that sex would be in the upcomming issues.

  4. Perv. LOL

    No, but seriosly, British Betsy always ended up in, uhm, uncomfortable situations when the team was located in Australia.

    "sex would be in the upcomming issues."

    Hasn't there been sex in ALL the issues of UXM lately, you know, all the bedroom scenes with Scott & Emma? Could we please NOT have any more sex in Uncanny, and have character developments instead?

  5. By "people have sex", I hope Fraction doesn't mean Psylocke. Come on, the girl needs a break before jumping into another love relationship...

    About Jean, I'd love if she came back with Betsy. Although I'm not very fond of Jean Grey, that would be an arc with the return of not one, but TWO of the most well-known x-ladies! I mean, it would make the Sisterhood arc really huge in terms of impact...

    But I don't think Jean is coming back yet, unfortunately...

  6. I agree, I don't think Jean's return will be quite so easy, perhaps the red queen is trying to steal part of the Phoenix force to place in all these telepaths she is gathering..but who knows.

    All I know is that it seems like Psylocke's return will have some impact, and not hey guys Im back sort of thing like they did with Dazzler.
