Monday, February 16, 2009

May 2009 Solicits

Uncanny X-Men #510
Written by: Matt Fraction
Pencils & Cover by: Greg Land
Variant Cover by: J. Scott Campbell
SIEGE! The Sisterhood executes a massive raid on the Graymalkin Facility, taking their fight to the Uncanny X-Men, and you won't believe the ferocity. No one is safe! Everybody fights! But why? How? What do they want? And how long can violence at such an insane level last? Oh, about most of the issue.

X-Men Forever Alpha
Written by: Chris Claremont
Penciled by: Jim Lee
50/50 Covers by: Jim Lee
X-Men Forever marks Chris Claremont’s exciting return to a story he left unfinished over 15 years ago. Now, X-Men Forever Alpha #1 gets you caught up on all the best-selling action leading into Forever #1 with this special reprint of X-Men #1-3. The Master of Magnetism embarks on a holy crusade to rescue his fellow mutants from the coming genetic conflagration with humanity...regardless of the cost to either side. All that stands in the way of absolute chaos are the mutant heroes known as the X-Men, whose powers and abilities set them apart from a humanity that hates and fears them.


  1. did they simply skipped the cover for 509?!!

    we know she's back already...

  2. I guess they're waiting Exiles to end or the One-Shot to be released in order to announce Betsy's return along with the #509 cover.

  3. Uncanny X-Men #510's cover is great! Such a shame Betsy doesn't appear in it...

    The alternate cover hasn't been released yet, though, so she may appear in it. I hope so (and I hope the alternate cover is as good as this one!).

  4. that cover is great Maddie and Emma are fruit od drawing genius...let's hope to see Psylocke kicking some evil @## soon xD

  5. The cover is great except for the boobie battle, they should just give each one a code name.

    I think the art is good, but I don't like the way they are depicting the females in these last few preview covers. I realize that it makes the covers attractive to some buyers, but It's starting to get a little too fetishy.
