Tuesday, September 24, 2024

X-Force #3 Spoilers

Spoilers: In Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, Nuklo is wreaking havoc on the city. While X-Force is en route, Forge explains to Sage how the analog works. Upon their arrival, the team finds the city in ruins and many injured civilians. Forge notes that the fracture they’re looking for is still far off, thousands of miles to the north. Surge argues with Forge and disembarks from the X-Jet, insisting on prioritizing civilian aid. Meanwhile, Sage briefs the rest of the team, explaining that Nuklo is a mutant with accelerated growth, energy generation, strength, and durability, but with the mental capacity of a toddler. Forge points out that Nuklo isn’t the fracture they’re searching for, but they decide to stop him regardless.

Tank surprises Nuklo and engages him in hand-to-hand combat, but Nuklo easily overpowers him. Betsy manifests a giant telekinetic sword and strikes Nuklo in the chest while Rachel rescues Tank. Rachel then joins Betsy and attempts a psi-lock on Nuklo’s mind. Together, they enter Nuklo’s psyche. Inside, Rachel is attacked by Avengers-like figures that serve as psychic antibodies. Betsy and Rachel press on and discover an old Avengers mansion, which represents the core of Nuklo’s mind.

As they delve deeper, Betsy and Rachel briefly argue, with Rachel expressing doubts about Forge, while Betsy insists she trusts both him and Sage. They also discuss Tank’s identity, questioning who he really is and whether he’s even a person at all. Finally, they find what represents Nuklo’s core: a toddler who has been artificially regressed to this mental state by an unknown third party. The toddler lashes out at Betsy and Rachel, overwhelming their minds.

Meanwhile, Forge and Sage exit the jet and contact Surge to join them. Forge and Surge attack Nuklo together, but their combined efforts aren’t enough to withstand his power. Nuklo defeats the entire X-Force, leaving only Tank, who regains consciousness, as the last one standing to face him.


  1. Hoping for some butterfly! We barely got to see it in the first issue and wish To would devote a full panel to see it completely and not cut off.

    1. I hope so as well @Randybear.

      I know Thorne said he was waiting to see reactions to it, but most were positive so hoping that inspired him to do a lot more of it.

    2. I don't mind the petals but it just doesn't give like the butterfly can. The petals being used sparingly always makes Betsy look like her powers are broken it doesn't given strength IMO just looks like her butterfly is in pieces.

      Like will we ever see it on a cover? I'm guessing not.

    3. I don't know. I definitely want to see it again.

      Cause they also said that Betsy and Rachel take on the powers looks when they synch.

      I that issue to me it looked like if anything the butterfly was kinda flamey (is that a word? Lol) and Rachel after looked like her powers took on a butterfly type look.

      I would have to read it again, but that kinda what I remember noticing and then I believe "To" confirmed it lol.

    4. The thing with To is he draws most psy signatures with a petal flare like its just his style and people thought he was doing something different in Excalibur and went with it. Like it's hard to tell at all if Betsy and Ray formed a butterfly in #1 cause that could just be a Phoenix looking effect.

      We really just need To to draw it full on, enought beating around the bush. The longer Betsy keeps losing the butterfly the more its cemented not hers.
