Friday, August 16, 2024

X-Force Rockets to Top 10 in July Sales

The July 2024 comic book sales rankings are in, tracked by the ComicHub system. This data, from July 7 to August 3, 2024, represents a snapshot of consumer sales at 125 comic stores.

The "X-Men: From the Ashes" relaunch has made a significant impact. Notably, "X-Force" #1, despite being released on July 31 and having only three days of tracked sales, secured a remarkable #10 spot in the rankings. Other titles from the "From the Ashes" lineup, including "X-Men," "Phoenix," and "NYX," also dominated the top 10, though they had a few weeks' advantage over "X-Force." Marvel has already responded to the high demand by announcing a second printing of "X-Force" #1, set to arrive this September.

For comparison, let’s look back at the June 2024 rankings. The data from last month provides valuable context for understanding the shifting dynamics in comic book sales and the rising popularity of the "X-Men" series.


  1. Alright X-Force! Nicely done. So the Psylocke oneshot did flop? What does that mean for the ongoing solo she’s getting?

    1. It tanked pretty badly. It sold the least out of all the female Blood Hunt one-shots, which shows that while Jim Lee’s Ninja Psylocke is well-known, it is not a valuable brand not a sales draw. Her solo series might start strong due to all the variant covers boost, but I’m not expecting it to last long.

    2. I doubt it will affect her book. Its already been announced etc etc.

      I don't know how long Solos usually go, but I think they are usually limited anyway.

      It'll be interesting to see how this new one does, but very happy for Betsy & X-Force which is my main focus :)

    3. Fans are no fools drooling over a sexy thong pretender of Betsy. Money's precious to be wasted on Psycloner. Inflation times inflation times.

    4. Agreed @Kiki. They are both 2 different women & true fans of either would know this and find a lot of things odd with TPTB choices regarding them lol.

  2. Phew it made it. I want Geoffrey Thorne to reach peak sales oh for countless reasons. He deserves to tell his story obstacles free and have fun doing it. Marcus To inspires him for good action scenes and wild locales.

    1. I hope so @Kiki, but I'm hoping to not see Otherworld for a very long time lol. I'm hoping that isn't one of the locals, but I think he said Betsy family stuff in issue 4, so im prepared if it happens haha.

  3. I'm glad he's not on Twitter of course they managed to find a way to dislike the man. If he were writing Kwannon they'd be worshipping him 😂

    Apparently something he said in an interview about mutants being dangerous in a real world situation or something along those lines and it triggered a bunch of psychos on comic Twitter.

    And now they wanna label him as some "enemy" of mutants and the readers lol imagine being that exhausting

    1. I doubt he'd care much @Randybear.

      their numbers can't be too large because his comic is doing very good despite their supposed dislike lol.

  4. my luvs will yall b mad if mother lindsay ask connor to have mister thorne on cerebro n may cerebro fam can see he better for captain britain

    1. I doubt that they will see he's better for CB. I don't even think he's better for her as CB.

      Better for fans of Betsy overall? Yes definitely, but thats because she isn't acting like CB Betsy which a lot of us appreciate.

      I think a lot of Cerebro's crew are just are devoted to TH including the Cerebro guy.

      I also think while Betsy may have the codename, she isn't being written as being CB like while on X-Force.

      I think Thorne knows a lot don't like Betsy as CB and that is why she is being written this way.

      I don't see that crowd appreciating his version of Betsy tbh.

      I rather see him on more of those Zoom videos imho.

  5. Somebody shared a fanart of Betsy looking majestic on a CBR Community thread. The artist drew her with off-the-shoulder sleeves reminiscent of her original pink Psylocke outfit while combining it with her Disassembled era design. Gorgeous! She has to be Psylocke again. I'm sorry Kannon, it was never your fault but I just can't keep reading stories where you're being written by less talented writers as Betsy 0.5. Honestly Kannon, you should sue Marvel.

    1. I saw that @Daud. It looked great.

      I don't think I need her to have the Psylocke name anymore though.

      To much back and forth, unless she and Kwannon shared it.

      I just want her edge and personality she has as Psylocke, and from what I saw so far, Thorne has delivered.

      I'd love for her to get a new Codename though.

      Definitely not a fan of her being CB.

      I also don't hate her X-Force outfit, but that cover definitely makes me want to see her in her signature colors again..

    2. @Daud, please share the URL, so we can all see.

    3. Hopefully @Daud can find it Rahsaan.

      I only saw it on FB and Instagram and can't get a URL link for those.

      They added an Excalibur outfit identical cover as well, which also looks great, but the pink one still is the best imo.

    4. @Rahsaan

    5. Thanks @Hoxor, that's even better because it shows the new one I mentioned next to it.

      I still think the pink/purple one looks the best, but that Excalibur one is ten times better than the one TH created imho.

    6. Love it! But honestly Marvel will never let Betsy wear anything buy the CB crap. Right now her uniform is themed to the current XForce but we will most likely never see her in her signature colors of pink/lavender

      I hate Marvel lol

    7. @Randybear we gotta manifest positivity lol.

      Who would have ever thought Betsy would ever be on an X-Force team to even have a different uniform after all those years with TH in first place?

      If she can escape out of all those years, I think its definitely possible she can get her signature colors back one day.

      We gotta always have faith. Look how far Betsy has come to even be on this book.

      They could have had her disappear and not been in a book at all, I'm cautiously optimistic that things may be looking up for Betsy.

      We will see :)

    8. XMan I've tried so hard pushing the Asrar look for Betsy and no creative cared. The most we were allowed was that cameo in Dead XMen.

      Marketing and editorial are completely disassociate Betsy with all things Psylocke even if it predated Kwannon.

      You literally never see flashbacks with British Psylocke ever done

    9. True but to be fair I hardly saw flashbacks with British Psylocke once Betsy became a ninja either.

      I'm not sure we'll ever get the Dissasembled look back either, but I have hopes that Betsy will end up in her signature colors again at some point.

      I also have hopes Thorne will give CB back to Brian.

      I did notice that when someone wanted Betsy to get a solo book on the site he talks on, that he said he wouldn't want anyone to do anything until he established some things first in X-Force and that he selfishly wants to do it lol.

      I'm just speculating but I'm wondering what he would have to establish first?

      My thoughts were either maybe she loses the CB status or loses Rachel (or both?).

      Again I am just speculating and could be wrong completely, but couldn't think of anything else.

      I do get your frustration, but I am hoping this writer can do Betsy justice :)

    10. @HOXOR, thank you. Those are exquisite. I also love the costume designs in the profile of the person who posted those!! Did you notice those sketches of the X-Men? Betsy's uniform in those is fantastic.

    11. @randybear, didn't lindsay say that a source hinted at Betsy getting a new outfit that is pink and purple? Sure, maybe Marvel changed their plans, or maybe lindsay's source was mistaken, but I guess it isn't really impossible for her to get her signature colors back - after all, as Geoffrey Thorne has shown, her status as Captain Britain can be used as nothing more than a codename, while in actuality she can look, act and fight exactly like she did as Disassembled-Psylocke.
      (in fact, I recently tried adding her "Captain Britain" head over her Disassembled body using microheroes drawings and I think the result looked perfectly convincing as Captain Britain despite the pink and purple uniform - and as we know, Betsy hardly ever wears the CB helmet anyway)

    12. It could go left.

      We definitely experienced that with Betsy before, but I agree with you at the moment @Fsaker.

      I thought it would have been very unlikely to have Betsy on X-Force ever again and out of that CB outfit.

      I think putting her in her signature colors (esp since Kwannon doesn't seem to do pink at least so far), is far more possible at this point, esp since Betsy is already in a new outfit.

      If not, ill deal with it as long as she's in character and being written correctly and on an X-team lol.

    13. ur right fskaker my luv mother lindsay souce neva wrong pls b patient

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