Monday, August 24, 2020

X of Swords: Creation kicks off "the biggest X-Men story since House of X/Powers of X"

Newsarama: The X-Men line's first crossover of the 'Dawn of X' era is about to kick off in X of Swords: Creation #1 by writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Pepe Larraz, which provides some backstory and lead-up for the Tarot-themed, sword-wielding X-Men event.

Before Creation hits on September 23, Newsarama spoke with X-Men group editor Jordan D. White to discover what's ahead for mutantkind as they grapple with the ominous events of 'X of Swords,' how Tarot informs even the story of the event itself, and a few cryptic secrets about what to expect.

Along the way, we've also got a brand new page from X of Swords: Stasis #1 by Pepe Larraz debuting right here.

Newsarama: Jordan, 'X of Swords' is finally about to kick off, and in the time since it was first announced, the crossover has grown in scope significantly. What led to the expansion?

Jordan D. White: There were a lot of factors. The first and foremost reason is that when we were digging into the story, there was a lot more we wanted to do than we thought we could fit in one month of comics. We were pretty committed to a schedule though, at that point, so we would have made it work... except the publishing schedule being blown up gave us more time to develop things that we wouldn't have had otherwise.

Plus, I think we were looking at the world around us and things were really looking down - I don't need to tell you about all the strife and problems the world was facing, you were there, you know it as well as we do - but we saw all this and said 'Let's do something bigger and make a bigger splash! The world is bad right now. Let's give people somewhere else to be for a while.'

And believe me - we used all the extra time. We've had regular video conferences, gone through drafts and drafts of plots and scripts, worked to make sure everything fits together as seamlessly as humanly possible in one giant 22-part story, not nine connected stories. It was way more work than we were anticipating... but we're so happy with the results so far.

Nrama: With Pepe Larraz stepping back in for X of Swords: Creation #1, I can't help but feel some significance in bringing back one of the artists who helped launch 'Dawn of X' to also kick off its first crossover. What's it like bringing Pepe back together with Jonathan for this one-shot?

White: It was great! Pepe is amazing! If it were up to us, he would never draw anything but X-Books for the rest of recorded history. Seriously - we knew it would be a big deal bringing him back onto this book, and that is on purpose. He, along with RB Silva, defined this new era visually.

He and Jonathan teaming back up is something special, and this is the biggest story Jonathan has done since House of X and Powers of X ended. We all know how amazing Pepe is - if you see him down as the artist of an X-Book, you know it's going to be an important one.

Nrama: The solicitation for X of Swords: Creation #1 reads, ominously, "A tower. A mission. A gathering of armies." What can you tell us about what all that means?

White: The name of 'X of Swords' comes from the Tarot. Tini Howard is our resident Tarot expert, and she came up with the name for the story. As soon as I heard it, I knew it was what we were going with. It is perfect.

When it came time to write the solicits for the series, we decided to lean into the Tarot theme. Tini wrote the solicits as little prophetic fortunes based on what happens in each issue. So, what does it mean? It's up to you to interpret the prophecy... but you'll only know how right you were after the fact.

Nrama: The Tower from the traditional Tarot deck can symbolize a great ruin that can lead to a rebirth. Given the glimpses we've seen of 'X of Swords' so far, and what you just told us, how much should we read into that potential symbolism?

White: Like I said, Tini knows her stuff.

Nrama: Storm has been going through some stuff leading up to 'X of Swords,' and you recently said there would be big things ahead for her. What can you tell us about that? How does all this connect to the techno-organic virus Storm has been suffering in her Giant-Size X-Men one-shot?

White: There is a lot going on with Storm! First off, I don't want to spoil anything from the Giant-Size X-Men: Storm #1 issue! So that'll be the first place you should check out.

She does also have some great moments in 'X of Swords,' especially in Vita Ayala's Marauders #13. But, I think you might be referring to a really amazing Storm development that I cryptically mentioned recently.

That is in the very early stages, but... it's amazing. Unfortunately, it's something that won't be happening until next year. But I think you will know it when you see it - it's pretty huge.

Nrama: Obviously you can't reveal the identity of the 'classified' Swordbearer of Arakko (unless you really want to surprise us!). But what goes into deciding how to put a character fans may already know in a new role like that?

White: There's really no way to answer this without spoiling things! You'll just have to wait until Skids reveals herself as – Damn it, you got me!

Nrama: Huh. We'll take that as a joke... for now.

Mutants have switched sides many times – especially when Apocalypse is involved. Will that come into play here?

White: Apocalypse does seem to always have his secret goals, doesn't he? That said, I don't know if any Krakoans would be willing to change sides, given the stakes that are established in 'X of Swords.' Generally speaking, no one is confused as to what needs to be done, they only disagree on how to do it.

Nrama: There's a criticism that death has become meaningless in superhero comic books, and the X-Men are known for breaking that barrier. But 'Dawn of X' has turned that on its head with the mutant Resurrection Protocols. How do you ensure that death has story weight in a world where you can come back to life? What goes into deciding who dies when?

White: You hit the nail on the head - a lot of the weight of comic character death has dissipated. At this point I think the list of characters who have not died and been brought back can probably be counted on one hand... and I don't even mean that as an exaggeration, as Jonathan literally killed everyone in the universe but one ship's worth of characters in Secret Wars, and the bulk of those have died and returned at other times.

The Resurrection Protocols are an attempt to battle that very thing, by shaking up and changing the game. If a character dies as a part of the normal sequence of events, readers expect they will come back, and now yeah, they will, that's how Krakoan Resurrection works. But we're very early in the life of this idea. There are lots of story possibilities that come from this that bring all new stakes in ways no one is expecting.

And at least one of those will factor into 'X of Swords' in a big way.

Nrama: How did everyone decide which swords to use, and who would wield each blade?

White: Meetings and spitballing!

Honestly, we really have something special going on in the X-Office right now in that all the writers are in much more of a collaborative relationship than I have ever seen across a line before.

We've had our X-Slack in place for a long time, and that has opened everyone up to one another in a big way... but honestly, I think the one good thing to come out of this terrible situation we're all in is that with everyone on Earth doing more video calls, we started up these X-Office group calls and it's been awesome.

We used to get together once, maybe twice a year for an X-Summit. But now we have these calls every two weeks and everyone can share ideas, ask questions or advice, spitball... it really has been so great to see how wonderful everyone has been about it.

To answer your actual question... I think we actually locked in the choices of what characters had what swords back at C2E2. Some were in place long before that, of course, but I think we had more awesome ideas for who it could be than we had open slots.

So everyone was throwing out ideas and then knocking them around, talking about the benefits of this character instead of that one, what awesome things this one could do if they were in the story, what great story beats we would get out of that one, what thing spinning out of the story we'd get if we used the other, all of that.

I have said that the story of 'X of Swords' grew out of the combination of the stories Jonathan and Tini were planting since House of X, and it's true... but even beyond that, I think it would not be the shape it ended up without every one of our writers, because everyone really did hone it together.

It's been a little grueling, but I know all of us are proud.

Nrama: Now that we're right on the verge of X of Swords, what can you tell us that you haven't told anyone else?

White: Not everyone brings the right sword to the fight.


  1. Betsy looks cute and hallelujah her hair is purple

  2. Had the actual character Tarot shown up during this event? I was always fond of her.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @Randybear Amen! Give Larraz a hallelujah!

  5. @EndlessM I wish Tarot and the real Hellions starred in the Hellions comic but we're stuck with a bunch of Z-list knockoffs.

    Scalphunter the Forge imitation
    REVANCHE the Psylocke wannabe
    Wild Child the Sabretooth clone
    Nanny the Humpty Dumpty joke
    Orphan Maker the Iron Man copycat

    And Havok with Empath have to survive the travesty.

  6. @Psi-Girl oh no! Betsy has died twice. In her body killed by the Legacy Virus and in the REVANCHE body killed by Vargas. She barely died in Uncanny X-Force but was saved by Fantomex I don't remember.

    Let Kitty and Jean compete for the most deaths. Betsy has already been victimized alive far too much.

  7. "Not everyone brings the right sword to the fight" - I wonder if that refers to Betsy... I mean, they've been saying how the X-Men will have to search for ten special swords, yet Betsy isn't really wielding a sword, but her own psychic powers being shaped like a sword. Maybe she'll find some device that improves her psychic sword or something, I don't know.

    Anyway, I don't think she'll be the one dying in this event. Actually, judging from Saturnyne's tarot cards, it doesn't seem she's even considered one of the options for the mutant who will die (that card shows Rictor, Archangel, Polaris, Banshee etc; even Apocalypse shows up there, but not Betsy). But assuming she's the one bringing the wrong sword to the fight, maybe there will be another kind of consequence to her (like losing the Captain Britain mantle or her powers).

  8. @FSaker the excalibur belongs to the person who has the amulet of right correct?

  9. Yes, but she isn't shown wielding it in any of the covers...

    In fact, isn't the Excalibur still with Faiza? Will Betsy have to ask to borrow it?

  10. Faiza is Excalibur and yes she got it. She can lend Betsy the Excalibur though Betsy has to create TK weapons cause that's her power. I'd accept Betsy as the new Excalibur and Faiza as Captain Britain with Brian. Or let Betsy be Psylocke and end her hermit crab phase.

  11. It woulda been cool for Faiza to have had some tie in with Swords since you don't have to be a mutant as Brian is involved.

  12. Yes. This event may be the perfect excuse to turn Betsy into Psylocke again. But I suspect Marvel won't do that and she'll still be Captain Britain by the end of it.

    Changing subject, I must apologize for something I've said in another comment. Today I managed to read HoX #2 (plus PoX #2 and #3), and while I commented some weeks ago that some spoilers I found on the Internet indicated that the AvX event didn't happen in the X-Men's current timeline, reading the issue first-hand made me realize this may not be true; all the story establishes is that the AvX event happened in more than one timeline. It happened in one of Moira's previous lives where she married Xavier and was still alive and with the X-Men when part of the team became the Phoenix Five and all that jazz.

    So yeah, my bad. I guess we'll still need to wait before Hickman makes it clear what events from before his run were erased from the current timeline; until then, AvX may still have happened, or not.

    1. No worries FSaker a lot of readers think all the x history was mostly erased from how they interpreted House and Powers but that isn't the case.

  13. Hickman cherry picks the events that fit his story. I want many X-Men events from recent history to be erased. Never the iconic old before the 90s.

    Events I want to be gone forever
    BotA (& the whole Bendis run)

    1. Kiki the beauty of it all is that we can just ignore they happened lol they aren't revelant to the plot nor did they implement any real lasting changes.

  14. Indeed.

    I still need to read the remaining issues of HoX and PoX to get a clue, anyway. One thing that the issues I already read didn't explain is whether Moira's life in the timeline where everything we've seen before these two miniseries took place is her tenth (and current) life or the sixth (or seventh, I'm not sure right now) one; for some reason it wasn't shown in the recollection of her previous lives.

  15. *I meant that her sixth (...seventh?) life wasn't shown in the recollection of her previous lives.

    1. Yeah FSaker that was left out we are assuming of course Hickman has some reveal/plans for that life. I'm sure once we eventually get that Moira X series these questions will be answered.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. lorna isn't going anywhere shes a big part of XFactor and that only just launched. Even IF Lorna died there are resurrection protocols..

  17. Lorna stays. She has stuff to settle with daddy Magneto and ex Havok. Some mutant couples are untouchable fail or fly. Jean/Cyclops, Logan/Mariko, Rogue/Gambit, Betsy/Warren, Lorna/Havok, Mystique/Destiny, Storm/T'Challa.

  18. How I see Moira and her lives

    First life she pruned up and died happy.

    Second life she remembered the first and dug into it. She died on a plane crash to meet Charles.

    Third life she stalked Charles and studied genetics. She found Charles was a douche and found the X cure. Destiny smoked her to beef jerky.

    Fourth life she listened to Destiny and made up with Charles and the X-Men were born. Sentinels fried her.

    Fifth life she came back angry at humans and made Charles angry too. They made Faraway home to mutants and Sentinels nuked it Genosha style.

    Sixth life she came back again. A fail safe story saved for later.

    Seventh life she went nuts and all out Black Widow. She wanted the Trask bloodline and Sentinels goners. AI got her good.

    Eighth life she turned to Magneto. The best House of M to the original. She was put to death in prison.

    Ninth life she wakes Apocalypse and pounces Charles and Magneto. She with A raise hell in the best Age of Apocalypse to the original. She got nuked by AI.

    Tenth life she lives in 616. She had enough of her stuck up self and decides to share her memories with Charles cause sharing is caring. The X-Men cheat death many times. Faraway becomes Krakoa or Arakko or Crackpot and to be continued.

  19. Unfortunately HoX and PoX will only be concluded in my country in October...

    But judging from information I found about PoX #6, probably Moira's current life is the one where everything we've seen about the X-Men really happened. It's not certain because her sixth life (now I know it's the sixth, not the seventh) is mostly shown centuries in the future - but unless Wolverine (who's also alive in this future) mentions something about Moira pretending to be dead, I suppose we could assume she never faked her death in that timeline - and thus it couldn't be the 616 timeline, just like the case of her fourth life (which could be the timeline we've seen throughout the years as it showed the X-Men living pretty much the same events, EXCEPT in that life she didn't fake her death and was married to Xavier, and neither of those things happened in the pre-Dawn of X timeline).

    That would mean everything we've seen (including AvX, the O5 coming from the past, up to half of the X-Men being stuck on Nate Grey's fake reality while the other half was being unceremoniously killed off) did happen in this timeline. But it would also mean that these terrible stories just didn't matter to the success of X's and Moira's plan, so that's okay in the end.

  20. @FSaker everything happened in the tenth life good and bad. The sixth life may have to do with the future of A.I. Nimrod and the Librarian. Protocols and all that does to souls and mutant chimeras.

  21. Love Betsy...but 2020 Psylocke lovers need to read Hellions. 3 issues and the book is killing it.

  22. @Kiki M. Ishola, yeah, I kinda figured out that the Librarian's distant future probably belonged to her sixth life. My doubt, however, is what happened in this life of hers during the present days (that is, when the X-Men still existed).

    It is likely that everything we've seen from the X-Men pre-Dawn of X happened in her tenth life, yes - however, in this life, she revealed all her knowledge to Xavier in the first time they met (long before he assembled the X-Men), and Magneto apparently was also informed of this very early on. Thus, it would be weird that they still did all the mistakes they did throughout the X-Men's story; sure, it's not impossible that they were just faking their mistakes and working on their real plan behind the shadows, but it does seem a bit hard to believe in that.

    Oh well, I'm still loving this story, nevertheless.

    1. She mentions that Magneto falls off their plan hence the bad things he did after they revealed all to him but before he rejoined them all back during Utopia. Its all pretty well explained.

  23. Oh, that's good to know! Thank you for the explanation!

  24. @kiki... Betsy has died 3 times.

    Fall of the mutants she died with the team, before they go to the Outback.
