Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Excalibur #3 Art


  1. No-Prize Question: If Betsy cannot control Brian or Jamie's thoughts, then how dids she make Brian break Jamie's neck during X-Force's Otherworld arc?

  2. Good question Rahsaan! Convenient plot to fill a quota.

  3. Just kiddin' it's on Morgan's brainwash thingy. Me guess.

  4. @Rahsaan I asked myself the very same question the first issue when Brian states that Betsy's powers couldn't affect him. Also she seemed to be mind controlling Jamie at the party to go talk to Brian as well, until she was interrupted.

  5. Her powers work on Jamie, but not Brian.

    It's always been that way (terrible writing not withstanding).

  6. This book is so terribly written that we’re three issues in and I have no idea what powers, if any, Betsy has gotten from the amulet.


    The writing is so bad.

    And don’t get me started on the telekinesis mess from last issue.

  7. As if it's the one nitpick. My biggest pet peeve is that Kwannon magically got Betsy's power set and the butterfly signature. The DNA splice was retconned out of continuity therefore defending it is like beating a dead horse. Shaming Betsy for having telekinesis since 1999 is a moot point as well. Betsy's mindblast attack was a nascent form of telekinesis from the moment it was activated.

    Powerful telepaths are capable of astral projection, mind blasts, telekinesis, limited precognition and illusion casting.

    Does Fallen Angels worth the Nobel prize for writing or am I missing something?

  8. @Benjamin Hutton it is called twin immunity. The Summers brothers have it, the Beaubier twins have it and to no surprise the Braddock twins. In the Braddock twins instance it is mind immunity. Many articles were written about twin telepathy and how it possibly works. The Nazis conducted inhumane experiments on twins to unlock the mystery.

  9. I genuinely don't know if you're trolling me.

    Firstly, this has nothing to do with Kwannon or "Fallen Angels". I never mentioned either.

    If you have a problem with that character or book, go for it. It doesn't stop "Excalibur" from being objectively badly written.

    Regarding the telekinesis... Betsy has had her new body for quite some time, and being in numerous life and death situations where telekinesis could have saved her - and has never used it.

    Having her suddenly use it now without explanation makes no narrative sense. She doesn't even use it in this issue when it would have saved she, Jubilee and Gambit in battle.

    Now I prefer Betsy to be a melee combatant, using her sword and shield. The problem is that doesn't work if you also want us to believe she's telekinetic. It's bad, lazy writing - and there's a lot of that in Excalibur, where the writer clearly hasn't thought out the consequences of her own plot points.

    The power immunity between siblings is just that - it has nothing to do with twins. It's also not guaranteed. Some mutant siblings are immune or resistant to each other's powers, some aren't.

    Either reply in good faith or not at all.

    So toxic.

  10. I'm surprised they haven't shown Betsy flying yet. It suits her current persona far more than her previous ninja persona.

    I think she's being written wonderfully - fierce, yet proper, and very likeable. But I echo the sentiments that they need to expand her powerset to more than just creating a TK sword and shield and lifting a few objects here and there. Other than her costume, she really isn't any more Captain Britain-y. Wasn't the amulet supposed to grant her more abilities?

  11. @Benjamin Hutton if my input is toxic then the constant grievances and nitpicks are corrosive.

    To hyperanalyze and spot trivialities doesn't help the work of writers and creative teams who are suddenly brought to task by spectators.

    Inconsistencies like telekinesis and personal readers' preferences get ignored by the staff so as to produce a new story and dynamics. The current writer of Excalibur hasn't strayed from the essence of Betsy the horrible way previous creators did.

    A female writer called Leah Williams was the most unsuccessful with Betsy for forcing body dysmorphia and eating disorders on Betsy in her attempt to vindicate the body swap.

    Howard's use of Betsy's telekinesis made sense. For Betsy struggled to secure her best friend Rogue who is trapped in stasis and her life depends on her. Betsy feels responsible for dragging her friends into danger and her telekinesis activated. Who else would have lifted the island Rogue from the Marauders ship to the Braddock lighthouse? Gambit or Jubilee?

    Factors that might hinder Betsy from using other aspects of her telepathy are, her recent body rebirth for she isn't fully attuned to her biological body. The influence of the Amulet of Right on her mutant biology and its magic side effects. The souls she used to escape from Sapphire Styx and the impact they had on her telepathic powers. The emotional trauma from seeing her twin brother brainwashed and transformed by Morgan Le Fay that throws her off balance.

    Before the internet explosion creative teams still were not perfect and went wrong. Chris Claremont overruled his own continuity by forging new ones and left it on whim without a master plan.

    The difference is that way back in Claremont's time there was no whiny internet to shape or even halt the creative process. The fan mail was the only place where fan rant could express opposition. If it were for early internet I personally would march the networks to stop the ''Acts of Vengeance'' and the mark it left on Betsy.

    No one ever hated Betsy before she body swapped with Kwannon and for not being a melee combatant using swords and physical attacks. Everyone rushed to her protection because she was brittle and used her wits to change the outcome. There is no need for worries about regression to a damsel in distress status.

    Before the body change Betsy was a sniper combatant battling from a distance. Her combat skills have changed nevertheless they don't change what's inside. Whether she uses telekinesis or psionic constructs she still is a brave X-Woman.

    Writers in general don't ask for permission to write a story or of approval. Marvel has chosen certain people for the X-titles and we have to respect that until their work speaks for themselves in a bad light.

    My criticism on Bryan Hill comes from his bad research on a green character like Kwannon and I'm critical because he ruins her on her first big debut. Instead of a new interesting character named Kwannon we are presented with second-hand Psylocke whereas she could have been a breath of fresh air using her faculties and cultural background not someone else's British and Mojoworld origins.

  12. On the cover from Arthur Adams Betsy is flying with Storm. Is it her telekinesis or the Captain Britain talisman?

    1. Probably the talisman. Jordan White mentioned that they gave her a cape to compliment her flight so I guess we will see her again the traditional CB powers at some point soon

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