Monday, August 26, 2019

Marcus To Previews 'Excalibur'


  1. Betsy looks really cute here! I still think the butterfly signature would compliment this design perfectly... Kwannon 🤬

  2. Replies
    1. Benjamin I'm doing my best to just grit my teeth at this point during this entire debacle 😂

  3. she looks great!

    randybear, not to be rude but you bring up Kwannon in every single topic even when it has nothing to do with her. It's kinda annoying. Come on, let's focus on Betsy alone.

    1. Unknown thank you for reading all my posts!

      And I can comment on whatever I like. Thank you!

  4. Elizabeth and her flowers look exquisite. I’m all for them as political signaling of allegiance to the mutant nation, Krakoa.

  5. I just wonder if she is going to use her telepathic abilities , what is going to repr sent it if not a butterfly effect?

  6. I'm in love with Elizabeth's look. There isn't a clothing, a uniform or armor that doesn't compliment her beauty and strength.

    Most importantly she wears whatever they dress her in and clothes don't wear her. The best example is that Marvel writers dressed her in a Japanese carcAss and Elizabeth owned that too. The ninja energy was all Betsy not Kwannon. Therefore the butterfly rightfully belongs to Elizabeth because it's the manifestation of her elegant soul.

  7. Again Betsy still has her telepathy, telekinesis and butterfly energy it's up to loyal writers to give back to her what rightfully belongs.

  8. Nobody disputed that the butterfly and telepathy are Betsy's. If comic history has taught me something is that the signatures of original characters return to their respective owners.

    Fans know that Betsy first used her astral butterfly in the Uncanny X-Men issue 213 years before the body swap happened. That is set in stone and canon.

    Marvel tried hard to push Falcon as Captain America and it failed because both Cap and Falcon are established characters visually and personality-wise. Same happened with lots of others in Marvel and DC comics but the end result is the same every time. Order is restored.

  9. Toned down armor is better. That's for sure.
