Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Age of X-Man: The X-Tremists #5 Spoilers

Spoilers: Hours before Jubilee regained her memories, she was caught up doing paperwork as usual at Department X. Nezumi Sen, after having giving birth to a baby boy and freeing herself with the help of rats, confronted Jubilee, who remembered Shogo upon seeing Nezumi’s baby. Jubilee was upset and worried about Shogo’s whereabouts, confused about this new reality and took it upon herself to help Nezumi. At first she intended to keep a low profile, but then just stopped caring. She tracked down Department X’s van, came across Moneta’s corpse and stole the keys from her dead co-worker. Jubilee then proceeded to stealing money, while setting the world on fire. Blob’s house was one of which caught fire, but him and Betsy managed to escape in time. Blob was upset because that was the place he fell in love with Psylocke. Betsy took the opportunity to reveal that Moneta was right all along. She never erased their prisoners’ memories as she thought it just wasn’t right at all. Betsy instead harbored the memories of thousands in her subconscious and decided it was now time to give everyone their memories back, including prisoners in the Danger Room Complex. That’s when Jubilee met Northstar, Iceman and Rictor, and Jean-Paul regained his memories. All four of them caused chaos around the city, destroying whatever was in their way. Iceman was the last one to wake up, and was deeply upset and shocked about what was taken away from them and what they did to other mutants, specially Nezumi. It’s revealed that Jubilee was recounting the events of that day in a letter to Shogo to explain to him the time his mom was missing. What happened next is to be told in Age of X-Man: Omega, however Jubilee managed to help Nezumi and her baby escape in Department X’s van and with a large amount of money. She also mentioned that Blob and Betsy went their separate ways.


  1. Fwoosh fwoosh! Sterilize it with fire don't let the sickness spread.

  2. @Tobias Chatti it was hard to swallow Betsy having issues over issues piled in her mind and act awkwardly sexy in a Kristen Stewart way on a starstruck and cucked Blob. Even harder to almost read a threesome between Northstar, Rictor and Iceman. This series was a huge disservice to moms, queer people and kitchen utensils.
