Thursday, June 13, 2019

Age of X-Man: The Marvelous X-Men #5 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: Nature Girl uses her powers to communicate with the bacteria in Moneta's dead body and find out how she died. The bacteria tell her that Moneta was killed by Apocalypse after she unveiled the truth behind the Age of X-Man, that Nate Grey had warped reality and positioned Apocalypse as the villain of the world because it would fit the archetypal story and give the X-Men and Nate's order a foil and reason to keep existing. The X-Men are shocked and leave to confront Nate Grey, not before Magneto warns Psylocke to keep this information a secret.


  1. Love Betsy always gives Magneto the evil eye and is ready to gut him. She is ever present in all his court trials to bury him.
