Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Interior Art from Uncanny X-Men #1 by Mahmud Asrar; Psylocke Displays Psi-knife


  1. confirming she's got those skills again. I wonder though...

  2. Wonder what, boo?

    1. Wonder what changes does she have or isn't there any ?

      And wonder of the other body is Kwanon or actually Betsy somehow.... Who knows what they'll make from this.

  3. She just brutally puts that knife inside the man's head.

  4. @Eric, is it me or is she smiling while doing it? Betsy has always been the OG.


  5. Also, are those Madroxes they are fighting?

  6. Like I said, she's always been a G. LOL.


  7. @Rahsaan

    Supposedly Maddrox is one of the big threats in this Uncanny run.

  8. She is not telekinetic anymore. Pitty

  9. How can you tell she's not telekinetic anymore from one image?

  10. Jeferson, answer the question that Anonymous asked you.

  11. Maybe she communicated that to Jefferson in a psi-bolt. I'd say she looks telekinetic since most telekinetics have bad costumes: Jean, Rachel, Psylocke, Stryfe, some other dudes.. I'm beginning to think it's a pre-requisite for telekinesis.


  12. That's good that you like it, Jeanette! It doesn't agree with me, but I'm glad someone gets something out of it.


  13. Yeah i'm on the fence about the new costume as well. The neckline is just too superhero casual. I like it more in Hunt for Wolverine#4 than that horrible disassembled poster. since its mostly just a body suit its probably always gonna come down to who's on drawing duties. It also gives me 90's Rogue vibes. I wouldn't hate it if they just went a step further and gave here a short leather jacket to wear over it like Rogue used to! (I love the 90's haha)

  14. MellyMel, actually I'm looking at the original design and I think this design would actually look really good with a leather jacket over top of it! But a black one, not a brown one like Rogue's. Psylocke wore a leather Jacket (or a leather body) suit in the first Acts of Vengeance issue, and also later in one of the Jim Lee X-Men issues (albeit a brown one), so it wouldn't be the first time.


  15. AO,

    Yes! I remember that Jim Lee issue. Black or brown Im all about bringing the jackets back. Sersi also wore one back in her Avengers days

  16. Side note: Now that Jubilee is back to being a non-vampire/mutant, doesn't she deserve a power increase or secondary mutation so her powers can do more that blind and tickle folks haha

  17. @Outback, a black leather jacket would be awesome or navy leather jacket.

    @Melly, Jubes’ powers are dangerously explosive. She often holds back due to the damage they can do.

  18. Yes, glossy navy blue to match the arms and legs of her suit!


    1. Precisely, the one she wore in the scene where she “killed” Storm to get her Mandarin ring was navy just like that.

  19. Interestingly, she is drawn lifting her arms. What they didn't show, and which appears off panel, is her telepathically freezing her opponents to give herself time to adjust her top so it comes back down around her shoulders again. She does this by telepathically contacting Kwannon over a great distance: since Betsy recreated her original body, which did not have the DNA for telekinesis, she has to politely ask Kwannon to telekinetically keep her top in place and/or move it back down when it goes wonky. In return, she owes Kwannon beer.


    1. We’re retconning out the wazoo today. Kwannon was subltly empathic. Don’t twist the script. No
      Bets on the othet hand showed telekinetic capacity with her psychoblasts.

      Don’t hate on Bets’s style. She is Dynasty fabulous. Her outfit is totally like one Fallon would rock. Pamela Sue-Fallon; not Emma Samms-Fallon. the only similarity Betsy has with Emma Sanms-Fallon is the accent.

  20. But she would need fine motor control to keep her top from bunching up, not the rudimentary tk potential that would have her psychoblasting her top right off. Besides, all of that was retconned when she somehow got Jean Grey's telekinesis in Kwannon's body and could move mountains? Whatever, I stopped reading comics during that time period. I only started reading again when she became part of Rick Remender's X-Force. Honestly, I'm happy for you guys that you got the Psylocke you want but I have a feeling my interest is starting to peter out again, I dunno. I'll give it a try if they develop Kwannon and her relationship with Betsy.

    Her costume makes her look like a dork, honestly. It would seriously improve with the leather jacket, though. MellyMel is right, it's sort of reminiscent of Rogue's 90s costume, which didn't look complete without a leather jacket.

