Saturday, December 21, 2013

Cable and X-Force #19 Advanced Preview


  1. I´m sad to see this team, UX, go. I like it but i think it was not in it full potential. its really awkward to see fantomsexy in all the covers. I really dig fantomas betsy twisted romance. at least that is in the new x force. I didn´t read nothing from the new writer. He´s good? its also strange that this event, that was a major arc in second coming, end in this books. I´m glad betsy is part of it. Couse she is ma fav character. but from important charater Hope is now just another redhead X secondary girl. its okay, i really don´t like her. for me the best in this book is, what every one don´t like, the cocky atitude. but finally for me betsy is the main character. I hope in the new x-force the writer give the character a personality. I´m soooo tired of the all body stuff, all over again. She´s a british in a kick ass asian body, thats what makes awesome in this point. she was cool, but now shes awesome. Stop with the body. giver new reasons, new traumas. couse we all now that characters are likeble when they are put in miserable situations. hate the new outfitt though i like this one. from someone who was in a old costume for so long she now is a unstoble fashion victim :P

    1. I don't exactly like hope either, I just want to see bishop return for good (even though in these previews it doesn't look like it)

  2. It wasn't even shown why is Puck in this book...I also wish new motivation to her would have been given and she shut the door over the killing stuff, this has tortured her long enough and also Remender had given a nice closing on it by making her put down her murdering sword in his last arc. Time to move on.

  3. I used to like Hope until AvX. Then she acted like a spoiled brat and turned against the people that repeatedly risked their lives to protect her. Sure, she ended up saving the world and restoring mutantkind, but she still came out quite unlikeable.

    This X-Force crossover looks cool. I'm curious to find out how Stryfe managed to come back (last time we saw him, wasn't he captured by Apocalypse to become his new vessel?).

    Had Humphries not offed Cassandra Nova, I think she could fit quite nicely in this story. In fact, she could have returned permanently, as the X-Men are in desperate need of real threatening villains. Oh well.

  4. Without the lettering of the preview, it's hard to say what's happening. but I'm hoping they're not offing her telepathy...again. :(

  5. I doubt Marvel will off her telepathy. Even if Si Spurrier decides to show her in the new X-Force as only a telekinetic, remember that Psylocke is still part of Wood's X-Men book - and she has used telepathy there more than once. And even with the scandal, Wood is still a higher-profile writer at Marvel than Spurrier is, so I doubt Marvel would sacrifice Betsy's telepathy just for Spurrier.

    Speaking of Psylocke, have you people seen the X-Men 50th Anniversary Poster? It shows some of the most remarkable X-teams ever, each one drawn by a classic X-artist. Psylocke appears four times: one among Storm's X-Women (with her current uniform), one with the Uncanny X-Force (wearing the second uniform - the one with pants), one with Claremont's X-Treme X-Men, and one with the 1990s X-Men (in her trademark blue bathing suit). Unfortunately, no Outback X-Men team in this poster, but oh well, we can't have everything, right?

    Here's the link:
