Wednesday, December 12, 2012

X-Solicits for March 2013

Uncanny X-Force #3
Writer: Sam Humphries
Art by: Ron Garney
Cover by: Kris Anka
Variant Cover by: Salvador Larroca
• This is it! Bishop vs. Uncanny X-Force!
• Bishop has amazing new powers that help him take down X-Force. But how did Bishop get the new power?


  1. I´m the only one that thinks that Bishop will be part of the team? his outfit looks rather simillar. That "almost x" and if the fact that cable will probably interact with this team because bishop is in the issue? I don´t think he´s gonna be villain forever. just in the first arc. then they probably share some kind of agenda.

  2. I think he may eventually join the team, too. But if it does happen, I hope it isn't right after the first arc; that would be too soon for him to change his mind.
